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This is really annoying - to say the least!!!

Community Member

Went to bulk re-list 105 items.  Most can be relised except 19, 'cos I had selected 'automatic relist' about a month (6 weeks?) ago.   Relisted what I could, and thought I would individually relist the other 19....which became 22 (!!??).


So went to do the 1 by 1 relist - (in red) 'you can't relist as you have selected 'automatic relist'.  Okay, so let's do an automatic relist (even though that wasn't a prefered option).  Still no go.  


What the heck is going on.


It seems I can't relist 19 (22) items because a month ago (actually probably about 6 weeks, since the last free listing offer) I selected that option.


Any suggestions as to how I can overcome this current problem - without having to ring e-Bay, I would like to keep what little bit of sanity I have left, intact.

Message 1 of 30
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Re: This is really annoying - to say the least!!!

I've had this problem too.  If you have had the item checked for the automatic relistings, then you have to make sure that you relist the LAST one at the end of the 3 re-listings (or just the final one if you unchecked the box when it was active). Try listing any of the previous two and you will come up with the error message.


Hope that helps.

Message 11 of 30
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Re: This is really annoying - to say the least!!!

Thanks for the tip.


The worst thing was that when the auto relists ended and re-started again, my unsold page had each and every item in there 4 times.  It took me ages to clean all the 'extras' out.  


Most likely, what I did was delete the last one, and kept one of the others - which kinda explains things now.

Message 12 of 30
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Re: This is really annoying - to say the least!!!

@5kazam wrote:

The worst thing was that when the auto relists ended and re-started again, my unsold page had each and every item in there 4 times.  It took me ages to clean all the 'extras' out.  


Me too - I have 810 unsold listings, but after reading your posts, I now realise that they can be sorted into 'not yet relisted' (obviously the ones I need to keep) and 'reliisted'. But I am wary of deleting all those 'relisted' ones, in case they haven't sold after 4 listings (initial plus 3 relists). Pity they can't be sorted alphabetically, as then I could see which ones have sold, as they would not appear 4 times.

Message 13 of 30
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Re: This is really annoying - to say the least!!!

Just realised that if I delete every item that apppears 4 times i.e. hasn't sold, if I want to use Sell Similar to relist them, I will have to leave at least one copy. This is all too hard.

Message 14 of 30
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Re: This is really annoying - to say the least!!!

I do at least have my Unsolds sorted by price lowest.


But like you I was wary of removing some of them, and relisting others - it was back and forward between unsold and sold.


Apart from the fact that not too many items were actually sold on the re-lists, it is just this 'cleaning up' of my unsold page that has completely put me off doing auto re-lists again.  


Too much time wasted.



Message 15 of 30
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Re: This is really annoying - to say the least!!!

Even sorting by price doesn't help me, as so many of my items are the same price. I have decided it is all too hard to try and clear the Unsold list - they must eventually drop off? I guess they are not doing any harm sitting there, but it IS annoying. I just wish there was a way of sorting those lists alphabetically.

Message 16 of 30
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Re: This is really annoying - to say the least!!!

unfortunately there doesn't seem to be that option.


What about if you sorted them by 'Recent First' - that way you would end up with the last re-list at the top, and all those that finished on X date would be down the bottom of the page.  It could make it easier to delete ??!!


But irrespective, there is still the to-ing and fro-ing between unsold and sold to double check.


It's a pretty clumsy system IMO.  

Message 17 of 30
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Re: This is really annoying - to say the least!!!

If you look to the far right of each listing you can see the circular arrow.


Hover your mouse over the top. 


If it is blue it should say "Item relisted". 


If it is grey, it will say "Item not relisted"

Message 18 of 30
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Re: This is really annoying - to say the least!!!

Because I cleared out all the quadruple-ups, all I get on my unsold page is 'Sell Similar', plus an 'Ebay note : This item has been automatically relisted'.  Which isn't correct as they haven't been relisted.


I got fed up with all the hassle, and just left those for another day when I had more time and the inclination to sort them out properly.


Not to worry though.  As I certainly won't be using the 3 relists again I will soon get my Unsold page back to its normal, organised position.


Appreciate your efforts to help.

Message 19 of 30
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Re: This is really annoying - to say the least!!!

I just checked my 'unsold' section and didn't realise until reading this thread that there was the option to show them ALL. It seems mine was set to only show 'not yet relisted'.


When I set it to 'all', the ones that were automatically relisted had a big green banner across them saying they had been automatically relisted. The ones relisted manually had it written underneath the listing "ebay note - you relisted this item - view listing".


To delete the already relisted ones, can you set the dropdown to show just the relisted items? That should just leave any unrelisted ones under either the 'all' or 'not yet relisted' option?

Message 20 of 30
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