Turbo Listing?

Hi everyone,

I am a new seller, only started selling for about 4 months. I read on this discussion board that people use Turbo Listing program to list their items. I am wondering where you can buy that program and how does it work? Would it be quicker to use Turbo Listing to list?

Secondly, I also read that people use photobuckets to upload their photos. I just can't figure out those new advanced tech. I have hundreds of photos saved in a folder and I mannually click on one by one to upload them when I list my items.

Can some very kind person tell me how Turbo Listing helps. And is there a quicker way to upload photos than to mannually upload them.

Your response will be much appreciated.

Message 1 of 31
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Turbo Listing?

Turbo lister is free-here is the link to download




Message 2 of 31
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Turbo Listing?

Thank you so much Fox. I am testing out the software now.


Message 3 of 31
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Turbo Listing?

You have been selling since 2006, so you're not exactly a newbie. Once you install Turbolister and Install full version update and synchronize [sic] to your eBay account you can then set your listings up in TL and upload them when you wish.


Your gallery pics can be uploaded from your computer, but if you want to put them in your descriptions you need to have them online. For example Photobucket.


Anything else you already know that we can help you with?"

Message 4 of 31
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Turbo Listing?

Just a warning there is a flaw in the latest Turbolister. It defaults to imperial units in international post. This is compounded in that you cant select Aus only in TL. When you go to upload on Ebay Aus listings throw an error up as units are not metric. Only way round I know is select flat rate international, thus bypassing weight. Once uploaded you can revise on listing if you prefer other option.


TL techies have been aware of this for a month now and not yet fixed it. This will also occur if anyone updates their TL. So if you have a working TL, DONT UPDATE until fixed.


Stick to standard photo uploading until you have the hang of TL. Photobucket  has also had a new "improvements" that is causing headaches to..


Always use max photos in the gallery selection as smart phone users browse these more than photos in description.


Message 5 of 31
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Turbo Listing?

Thank you Dave. It is very kind of you to offer help. I am very green in this selling business and still need a lot of help.

In 2006 I only sold a few Tomtom GPS for my brother, so can't really call that a selling experience ๐Ÿ™‚


In 2011 I started a small fashion business on eBay for my stay-home husband who has little opportunities to obtain work. Just started, and I got 16 fat red dots from a woman who bought goods from me. As if that wasn't enough she also left 16 follow-ups. Tracing through the feedback she left for others, a kind seller found me and advised to report her to eBay, together with her many other "victims". She left many negs to many sellers who were not willing to reduce the postage to the amount she demanded. Luckily eBay removed all the feedback. It took me one and a half years to recover from that "neg-feedback phobia" and started selling again late last year ๐Ÿ™‚


I find this forum to be very helpful. I read every single post here and have gained a vast knowledge that gives me some confidence. I sure need a lot of knowledge for my selling business, and will come back with specific questions ๐Ÿ™‚



Message 6 of 31
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Turbo Listing?

Hi Lane Ends

Last night I tried the TL, and found that it doesn't have the "No International posting" option like eBay has. So I only ticked New Zealand as the country that I will post to, at $20  postage with the hope that no one from NZ would want to buy items that have the postage that is as high as the value of the items.

I also noticed that the TL doesn't have a place where you enter the items' brand, as in fashion people often search by brand.

How do you do photos in the description section? I often see photos that you can click on for large views in the description. Does it have something to do with photobucket? I'll wait for another month for the latest update of the software then.

Thank you for your advice. Have a great weekend.


Message 7 of 31
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Turbo Listing?

Once a listing is uploaded you can go to the listing on Ebay and revise the international shipping details, including ship to to Aus only, on the site. Its a pain put its a band aid fix.


As far as brand goes, in items specifics you have the option to add in additional description specifics. I add in a box for brand. Juust do this once for your templates and edit per listing.


Using photobucket, you upload photos to photobucket site. From there html codes can be given so you can link them to anywhere on the web, Ebay being an obvious option. In your listing select HTML tab on the description box, that will give you the gobbledygook html coding. You copy and paste your photobucket code into suitable spot in that code. How do you find that spot.? Most people will have a place marker saying eg PHOTO HERE in caps inserted in normal description view, then you will be ablke to pick that spot out in html view. Or you can just paste at top of box, then when you revert to regular view, photo will be at top and you can cut and paste it where you like.


You can resize photos before uploading to photobucket if you like eg using prish resizer. Downlaod Prish program and it will show as a rick click mouse option. Used to able to do it as part of photobucket uploader program, but they've dropped that function. This will prevent overly huge photos in your description. Remember some people are browsing on iphones with slower conections and small screens


Message 8 of 31
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Turbo Listing?

I have turbo lister and I am not very happy with it at the present time.  I upgraded recently, and now I cannot use any of the information I have stored on there.  Must be hundreds of hours of listings which I cannot upload to my eBay account.  I am now just listing my items through eBay, but I think it is costing me in upload time.  Turbo lister is really making me unhappy!

Message 9 of 31
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Turbo Listing?

I have turbo lister and I am not very happy with it at the present time.  I upgraded recently, and now I cannot use any of the information I have stored on there.  Must be hundreds of hours of listings which I cannot upload to my eBay account.  I am now just listing my items through eBay, but I think it is costing me in upload time.  Turbo lister is really making me unhappy!


Whats stopping you uploading? Is it the error with the units message? If so edit international shipping to flat rate, then revise if you like once uploaded.


Message 10 of 31
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