on 26-07-2013 04:47 PM
Tried uploading from the Turbolister, when I calculkate the fees to upload, I get an error message: Internal error to the application
I have tried doing updates, restarting Turbolister and the laptop a few times and keep getting the same message.
Has anyone else had this problem? Live help was useless as they didnt know how to fix it
on 26-07-2013 05:13 PM
Were you trying to upload multiple items? If so try one at a time as it may just be one item that is causng the problem.
Try completely redoing a listing from scratch, you can copy the html for the description and see if that works.
You may have to uninstal TL, re download it and repopulate from your back up file.
Alternatively you can email turbodata.com and explain the problem, give the exact error message you are receiving and tell them which OS you are using.