Unhappy with eBay withholding funds from seller because they failed to confirm business details

Have any other Sellers had issues with eBay withholding payment of funds for the purpose of updating a business’ details? We have more than $1500 outstanding from our bank account for the last month of trading because eBay requested we confirm our business details (after 4 years of trading),  to which we have provided on numerous occasions throughout the month and they are still withholding our funds. We have even provided printouts from the ABR register and they still can’t manually authorise our details.... This may be a ‘small amount’ due however these are tough times financially for most businesses post COVID with running costs, taxes, wages; we as a small business, have supplied the goods and services to our customers and paid eBay their cut. Surely withholding funds, without a valid reason, is illegal? 

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Unhappy with eBay withholding funds from seller because they failed to confirm business details

If there is a problem with your managed payments verifications, then ebay is legally required to withhold

all funds until the matters are resolved.

Note:  ebay is only doing what they are now legally required to do.

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Unhappy with eBay withholding funds from seller because they failed to confirm business details

Fair point! However when our legal obligations are fulfilled providing said documentation (on numerous occastr

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Unhappy with eBay withholding funds from seller because they failed to confirm business details

@gutterpunkz - whilst Ebay is legally required to withhold, I would hardly call their customer service or methods of dealing with sellers either efficient or proficient.


One only has to talk to "Customer Service" to get a different story each time for the same issue. The threshold for helping sellers resolve matters is so low, I'm not surprised they cannot even manage to verify this sellers documentation, even when submitted numerous times.

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Unhappy with eBay withholding funds from seller because they failed to confirm business details

I agree, it is inexcusable at this stage that such problems are occuring.


I would be contacting AFCA to take action against Adyen for release of the money owed to you.


I also wonder if eBay will be so doggedly determined to undermine the Huge Chinese sellers when thier time comes for MP's - probably not, apparently the BIG sellers are exempt.


As you say you have provided correct documentation, it appears eBay/Adyen are the ones dropping the ball here.

If it were the other way around, eBay would not sit idly by if funds were owed to them, of that you can be certain.

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Unhappy with eBay withholding funds from seller because they failed to confirm business details

ebay is rubbish and there customer support is worse and on another level they also owe $1200 dollars restricted my accounts without providing valid reason with multi ple reason

Message 6 of 8
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Unhappy with eBay withholding funds from seller because they failed to confirm business details



They did'nt mention using other accounts to 'buy from yourself from' ?


Other members did last time you posted


Also likely the reason some of those accounts are now 'unregistered'


Posting a complaint about self inflicted problems on a post from another member two and a half years ago won't change the rules for you


And if you did'nt sign up to Managed Payments on the account in question here, you won't ever get the money 

Message 7 of 8
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Unhappy with eBay withholding funds from seller because they failed to confirm business details

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

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