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Update on password change, options for sellers.

Over the past two days we have been contacting all eBay users asking them to change their passwords. If you haven't yet changed your password, at some point you will be prompted to do so when you login or before you complete a transaction. If you changed your password on May 21 or later, we do not need you to take any additional action at this time.


We are taking this action because of a cyberattack on our corporate information network discovered earlier this month. We have no evidence that your financial information was accessed or compromised, but ensuring the trust and security of all eBay members is our top priority. That's why we're having all users reset their passwords as a precautionary measure.


If you used the same password for eBay and any other sites, we encourage you to change your password on those sites, too. As a matter of best practice, the same password should never be used across multiple sites or accounts.


Additional steps for sellers regarding auction-style listings

We recognise that the password reset may temporarily interrupt the normal bidding process for buyers. We're taking additional steps to ensure successful transactions for sellers:


  • All listing and final value fees will be refunded automatically for auction-style listings that ended between 11:00 PM AEST on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, and 4:59 PM AEST on Thursday, May 22, 2014. Sellers will see these credits on their June invoice.
  • Sellers can end any auction-style listing without penalty between 11:00 PM AEST on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, and 4:59 PM AEST on Sunday, June 1, 2014 and will receive a credit for all selling fees related to these listings on their June invoice.
  • Sellers can also cancel any auction-style listings that ended in a sale between 11:00 PM AEST on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, and 4:59 PM AEST on Sunday, June 1, provided the buyer paid with PayPal and we can verify through PayPal that the buyer's full payment has been refunded.


Final value and listing fees will be credited on sellers' June invoice and any associated defects or negative buyer feedback removed. These protections will be applied automatically.


We will also be communicating with the winning bidder for any cancelled auction-style transaction during this time period to ensure they continue to have great buyer experiences on eBay.


You are a valued customer and your security and trust is essential to us. Again, we regret any inconvenience or concern this may have caused. We are committed to ensuring a safe and secure online experience for you on any connected device. More information and updates are available at

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Re: Update on password change, options for sellers.

Users of this forum keep saying that Ebay do not log on to this forum.. This is the 3rd or 4th message I have seen from eBay on here in the past week. So they are visiting.... Why can they not  come and answer some of our questions? Help Us Out? and More.

Message 2 of 10
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Re: Update on password change, options for sellers.

It will probably have the same effect if a celebrity would stopped to give an autograph to a fan of theirs.. eventually the queue would never end and to escape from that you have to be a jerk and immediately stop and leave. So in the end eBay knows they will have to be a jerk in the end if they answer the endless questions and just not do it in the first place and be a jerk.


In both situation it will end the same.


Though I have seen former eBay employees doing an Asked me Anything on Reddit and their perspective of their life seems a bit interesting.. Though probably like 4 years old now..

Message 3 of 10
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Re: Update on password change, options for sellers.

" So they are visiting.... Why can they not  come and answer some of our questions? "


Funny how they can pop up here when it suits, but are not even courteous enough to respond to an email questioning a 3 day ban on id's that are run from my computer - particularly one that is not mine.  This is now the second time courtesy has gone out the window (been waiting for a response on that one for 6 weeks...!!!)


I find their selective involvement less than satisfactory, as they are employees of eBay.  The ocean seems to be getting wider between them (eBay) and us.




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Re: Update on password change, options for sellers.



BEING FORCED to change my password for eBay's **bleep** up in security. Then when entering a new password being told no you HAVE to have Capital Letters, numbers AND/OR symbols!! **bleep**?!! This is MY password!! I need to keep things simple, but now having to do dangerous things like recording my password just to remember the Flipping thing!!!





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Re: Update on password change, options for sellers.

I also was less than impressed that I was FORCED to change my password. As far as I am concerned that should have been MY CHOICE, not ENFORCEMENT due to eBay's as you said above, lack of security. I like the way you said that.....!!!!
Message 6 of 10
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Re: Update on password change, options for sellers.

I agree that the breach of security and the way eBay has communicated and managed the issue has generally been fiasco IMO.


BUT ... credit where credit is due, insisting on more complex password combinations is a step in the right direction towards better practice.


Locking people out of their accounts until they change their password is the very minimum expectation to ensure a basic level of action towards consumer protection and IMO it should have been done IMMEADIATELY after eBay knew the personal information had fallen into third party hands.


I am happy to forgo the sales downturn impact that this is having, on the basis that this action will improve the security of the eBay platform generally and ultimately it will go forward with an improved level of security that should have been implemented by eBay YEARS AGO.


I hope the next step involves improved confirmation of identity to operate an eBay account.  Now is the time to upgrade ID requirements, and contribute to rebuilding buyer and seller confidence that Trust and Safety are not asleep on the job.



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Re: Update on password change, options for sellers.

It's always been the norm that when a breach has occured on a website that everyone is forced to change their password.


Any website is hackable and there are plenty of exploits to explore that simply doesn't have the man power for a team of employers to cover them all up. Not to mention the new and creative ways hackers come up with to "hack" into websites. One thing that makes websites exploitable is the fact that we are humans and we can forget. Forgetting a password to an account and its email address will make it even harder. So how does a person regain their information back? They would hack to call up eBay to confirm details, but are these details enough to really confirm it is really us? No it isn't but according to the world standards its enough. Now since eBay has given alot of our details to the hacker as well as our passwords encrypted, they may be able to use our details to get into our banks and say they lost their card and get a new one issued to a new addres.. and boom there goes our savings...


If eBay didn't enforce us to change our password  then all it takes is someone to un-encrypt our passwords and out of 170 million user data stolen? I would say theres still a huge bunch of people who won't change their data, so if that ever happens then there goes eBay for not enforcing the rules.. The media will rain fire upon them for not taking actions and screwing us commoners into oblivion and their shares will take a nose dive for its bad reputation.


So I would say, they took that extra step to cover their asses just incase something like this can happen.

Even a few months ago someone was able to get additional credit information from paypal and use it to gain control over a website (which was hosted by Godaddy), Godaddy needed the last 4 digits of the credit card number to be allowed to reset the password and hacker was able to do it successfully.


Paypal, never comment on the subject (or i never followed up) but Godaddy admit it was true and place the blame on Paypal.

And I see advertisment from them claiming Paypal is safe.. Lolz0rinis




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Re: Update on password change, options for sellers.


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Re: Update on password change, options for sellers.


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