on 22-10-2013 08:46 PM
How many times do you have to report the same seller for selling the same prohibited items..... I have lost count of one seller. 6 or 7 times at least. Half the time the person looking at the report does not know what they are looking at.. Pathetic. What a waste of time. Ebay lift your game. Rod.
on 31-10-2013 05:28 PM
I shouldnt have looked.
MY EYES!!!!!
on 31-10-2013 05:50 PM
I doubt few, including me, would respond to that appellation.
on 24-08-2021 02:01 AM
Yes... I can't report a Seller "hooking" a Buyer with a "3 item" listing, that, if you click on it, is actually a 1 price item (or 3 times the ORIGINAL advertised price for the original 3 items as listed) listing , and, if this isn't a fraudulent listing"...what is? But...ohh...I can't report it, because Ebay's "categories" don't take THIS into consideration..=" buy it first..THEN complain".. WAY TOO MINIMALIZSED "categories". As to the Sellers...Checking reveals at least 50% of "Australia only" Sellers are ACTUALLY Based in China"...don't set the filter to "Australia Only"...or it climbs to about 90%! Ebay isn't interested in "factual/HONEST" Buyers and Sellers...just LISTINGS period! I USED to have some trust in Ebay, but not any more!...Now, I Literally just use the Site for price comparisons...Your loss Ebay...I will rarely buy via Ebay now = less Seller Fees to you etc. Ebay, you can look forward to less and less business, as we, the (genuine) Buyers become less trusting of you.
on 24-08-2021 06:19 AM
Wow, and it took 8 years to reply with your rant.