on โ01-05-2013 10:18 AM
I have been with Australia Post since I frist sale on ebay. But the postage fees are increasing very 6 months. I am tried of this fee increasing and want to get rid of Australia Post. If any once know a alternative carrier please help!
on โ15-12-2014 01:58 PM
If your looking for an alternative to Australia post check out this blog:
They have an Ebay seller integration and offer a 10% discount for their VIP account holders.
Highly recommended, i use them all the time
on โ15-12-2014 03:12 PM
I doubt that the OP is still looking after 7+ months.
While you may recommend Smart Send, there are other posters who would not touch them with a barge pole.
on โ15-12-2014 11:34 PM
7 months? Try 19 months!!! It was 2013. I would hope by now the OP would have sorted something out. Looking at their listings, they decided to stay with Aust Post and post large letter by the sounds of it. I know I certainly wouldn't want a pair of undies sent via a courier!