02-12-2014 02:29 PM - edited 02-12-2014 02:30 PM
on 02-12-2014 04:19 PM
Character parties - I dont sell cheap chinese stuff and I dont compete on price. Rather I am one of the higher priced sellers in my catagory. I offer proffesional service and advice and sell quality ( not cheap ) products. There is still a section of the community that value this and it may be a growing sector as more and more rubbish floods the market. Some people are still willing to pay for quality long lasting products.
siggie-reported-by I,m not trying to kid myself or anyone else. I am well aware of ebays many flaws and like others are looking to do something else in the future. I am just trying to provide an honest, BALANCED view. I am still making a full time living from ebay and drawing a salary similar to what I was earning in the building industry as a private contractor before becoming a full time ebayer. I have teenage kids in private school, two reasonably modern cars, a stay at home wife and a reasonable standard of living, all payed for by ebay. I,m not rolling in dosh, but the reality is there is still reasonable money to be made on ebay if you know where to look. The changes that ebay have made over the past 12 months have certianly concerned many sellers and the future for small sellers is unclear at the moment. I,m not ebays biggest fan, just trying to give an honest opinion.
on 02-12-2014 10:42 PM
I'm still making enough to make it sort of worthwhile.
Especially when I have been selling on one commonly mentioned alterative for longer than here, and don't qualify for the other.
on 03-12-2014 10:16 AM
@925chains wrote:is it a waste of time selling on eBay?
IMO it was great up till a year ago.
One year ago i would give ebay selling a score of 9/10..Today i give it a 2/10.
on 03-12-2014 11:36 AM
on 06-12-2014 01:34 PM
It depends from your expectation!
You will not become billionair selling on ebay and you will not lose your money because you sell on ebay.
not bad or not good, but enough to keep trying, hoping !
I think ebay is better for buyers than for sellers.
on 07-12-2014 01:59 AM
on 07-12-2014 11:12 AM
It is.After over 500 transactions I got rid of ebay and paypal last year as their expertise cost me money stolen by sellers with their help.
Most of the sellers were from West Sydney.From overseas sellers the best were from UK.Lately I joined ebay again only to find
is much worse so I do not intend to sell anymore.I may buy occasionally some low value items.I do not know if my decision to join
again was right.
@925chains wrote:is it a waste of time selling on eBay?
on 10-12-2014 03:45 PM
I notice you attempted to sell a Genuine Sterling Silver piece.
I'd say "not a snowball's chance in hell" - the place is littered with FAKE stuff and what does eBay do about it? Over the years I have reported hundreds of FAKES - the sellers are still there selling their "925 Sterling Silver" for 1/2 the price of the silver that is SUPPOSED to be in their items. MISLEADING HEADINGS, WRONG CATEGORY - you name it.
on 10-12-2014 04:14 PM
Yes particulally if you are just a person selling single items, high fees and a **bleep** poor fund release policy which is probably more to garner interest than actually looking after buyers and sellers. Because we are not a retailer it can take upto 21 days after payment to recieve the funds. This even when the buyer has recieved, paid and left positive feedback, we completed the postage of the item at the soonest possible time and ensured that the buyer had the item as quick as we could with express post. But EABY decide that they will hold our money as long as they see fit. Not good enough honest sellers do not deserve to be treated as criminals the real ones are the ones that are holding our money for no good reason.
on 10-12-2014 04:53 PM
Not good enough honest sellers do not deserve to be treated as criminals the real ones are the ones that are holding our money for no good reason.
I agree with that. While the new rules will protect buyers from some unscrupulous scammer sellers, the good sellers are dealt with the same way as any suspicious ones. The baddies always spoil it for the goodies in lots of ways.