on 07-05-2015 09:39 AM
I have beeen trying to sort an issue with ebay out for a while now. In a nutshell ebay has been the most evasive and unhelpful organisation I have ever dealt with.
Is there an ombudsman that can help with this issue? I am based in Australia.
on 26-05-2018 08:37 PM
on 26-05-2018 10:47 PM
@countessalmirena wrote:Ohhh... The only question remaining is... solid chocolate or hollow?
Solid 24 carrot chocolate of course. Actual size and shape may vary depending on climate fluctuations..............
on 27-05-2018 12:10 AM
Did you say... carrots?
For some reason, one of the German words for "carrots" (Morrüben) always makes me smile. It just sounds funny. (German has six different words for "carrot", but I hold to it that die Morrübe is more chuckle-worthy than any other.)
on 27-05-2018 01:37 AM
on 05-06-2018 09:31 AM
on 11-06-2018 01:21 PM
I totally agree. Their money back guarantee policy is a joke. I am sitll waiting after 3 months for a $25 refund for postage on an item that was falsely represented by the seller. I will never use them again. I was even hung up on once by a manager when I asked to speak to someone higher up. I get lots of 'polite' customer service people who clearly have a script of what to say and then there is no way I can follow up as their emails are 'no reply' ones. I feel strongly the need to take this further and am looking for what I can do. I will never trust ebay again.
on 24-06-2018 07:38 PM
on 08-09-2018 02:44 PM
aslo had problems.
Had an item sold, buyer never paid, while i went through all the processes and was eventually allowed to relist I was and am still charged sales fees by them. The so called polite customer service person said it would be refuded, naturally it has never been.
Was then charged $12.50 in postage charges by ebay for something that was sent in an Australia Post ebay satchel that has national postage throughout australia for a flat rate of $7.40. There customer service person, through online, so I have a record of it, says if I do not like ebay overcharging then go somewhere else. I was told it was ebay's right to charge whatever they wanted for postage and they are not bound by the rates that the carriers charge to them?
What infuriates me most is that I paid for these australia post ebay satchels which I can only use if I sell via ebay.
There faceless no complaint policies are a joke? As for customer service people telling you in writing that ebay can charge whatever they want in postage is just completely beyond me.
DO NOT COME NEAR EBAY they just rip you off.
on 08-09-2018 04:44 PM
Nothing that you have posted makes any sense at all.
Ebay does not charge whatever they want to charge.
If you went through a cancellation or an unpaid item dispute you would get your fees refunded....did you close the dispute to get the refund?
on 08-09-2018 04:52 PM
charged $12.50 in postage charges by ebay for something that was sent in an Australia Post ebay satchel that has national postage throughout australia for a flat rate of $7.40
Flat rate for under 500g is $7.95, not $7.40. And probably going up next month. It hasn't been $7.40 for several years.
eBay charge $7.55 for a 500g satchel. You buy the satchel. It sounds like you have added insurance and signature on delivery. Which eBay charges at the same rates as AP.
Good luck with the ombudsman.