on 27-08-2012 09:12 PM
Or is it now called "rare courtesy".
Received the below email tonight - exactly as is....
"I am still waiting on these,I am getting frustrated with your service: (: ("
Item was purchased and paid for on the afternoon of the 30/7, and also posted the same day, and confirmation email sent. I dont think i can do much better than that.
So apparently her item hasn't arrived.
Do I answer her politely and professionally, or do i respond by saying what i really really really want to say ]:)
on 27-08-2012 11:05 PM
D*G - that is so simiilar to what i sent to be almost spooky.
Just add a little bit of sickly sweet venom and it would be almost word for word....
on 28-08-2012 12:17 AM
courtesy died along with common sense & civility...about 15 years ago...
on 28-08-2012 09:42 AM
As sellers we all know that AP delivery times are simply random. 95% of the time they are reliable. Have a quick peep at my grey dot and you will see a prime example of what happens occasionally. This buyer never opened an item not recieved case, threatened me with a red dot but toned down when I emailed her a picture of my postage receipt. She eventually received her item and was as happy as punch.
on 28-08-2012 09:59 AM
It was a single item worth $4.75 - doesn't pay to have it registered
Would you not just apologise and refund ? Sorry, but I would not be mucking about with dead letters and the like, the customer has not received her item, end of story, customer service is every bit as important as common courtesy surely. ?:|
on 28-08-2012 10:08 AM
I know the email is a bit rude but it has been 20 working days and no parcel. Maybe a little understanding will go a long way in this case.
on 28-08-2012 11:00 AM
It was a single item worth $4.75 - doesn't pay to have it registered
Would you not just apologise and refund ? Sorry, but I would not be mucking about with dead letters and the like, the customer has not received her item, end of story, customer service is every bit as important as common courtesy surely. ?:|
This post was with regards to the words of her email, and how to answer them, not the actual handling of the transaction itself.
I just needed to vent before replying, so as to respond in a professional not emotional manner.
Of course i offered her replacement items (I would not have a feedback rating as i do, if i lacked customer service).
I have since heard back from her. She says she is frustrated because her ipad does not tell her when to expect the parcel. And as i have told her i posted the item she said for me not to send out any more.
I've now replied with a brief desciption on where it shows estimated delivery dates on her Order Details page (assuming ipad same as computer), and that after a month it is somewhat unlikely that her parcel will turn up.
I've let her know that i will credit back the paypal payment for her. But am wondering - can i put in a mutual cancellation or similar to get back my FVF?
on 28-08-2012 11:14 AM
I know the email is a bit rude but it has been 20 working days and no parcel. Maybe a little understanding will go a long way in this case.
Jillywinkle - you are absolutely correct. Apparently it is dead, and for such a time now that it isn't even missed..
(although not sure about the common sense one, as I've heard it from my Mum, and have said it to my own kids "just use your common sense" so maybe it's just lost? :^O )
Understanding is irrelevant. I do believe there is a saying "there is no excuse for rudeness".
If my parcel had not arrived after 20 days I would contact the seller and politely let them know.
on 28-08-2012 12:52 PM
Coming from my viewpoint as a buyer, and assuming your buyer is honest and not trying to have a lend of you, I can totally see how said buyer is now concerned about her item. It has been four weeks since it was posted.
Buyers message might have been lacking some general social niceties, but she didn't use profanity. I sure would not respond by telling her what you really really want to say.
If you sent back such a message to me, no matter how you resolved the problen in the end, even to sending her the item again, I would likely leave you neutral feedback.
Others have posted that Australia post needs to answer questions and what happened to the item, before any refund or resending of item.
on 28-08-2012 01:44 PM
Coming from my viewpoint as a buyer, and assuming your buyer is honest and not trying to have a lend of you, I can totally see how said buyer is now concerned about her item. It has been four weeks since it was posted.
Buyers message might have been lacking some general social niceties, but she didn't use profanity. I sure would not respond by telling her what you really really want to say..
I get the odd 'dodgy' item not received claims - they tend to have certain things in common. This is not one, and i genuinely believe she hasnt received the item.
At no time have i said i sent an email that either rude or emotional. That's the wonderful thing about forums (usually) - you have an opportunity to vent some built up frustration, so you are nice and calm when you then respond to the email. You may even be given some useful advise in the process.
Oh, and the occasional poster stating the obvious - what you shouldnt do, even when you havent done it......?:|
I suspect this person may not have full understanding of....ummm....several things.
I've offered her replacements, I've offered her refunds.... but she's replied with she's prepared to wait until 6th September cos that is what her ipad tells her (which of course is the date if i were to post the item today).
I am having difficulties explaining that she most likely is not going to receive it.
I do have a theory as to what has happened though... and will mention it to AP when i ring them shortly. Her address is
PO Box 000
Town X via Town Y.
I'm guessing the PO box of Town Y received it instead of being sent on to Town X.
And now whilst her emails are a little lacking in comprehension, they are no longer rude, which is a relief.
on 28-08-2012 01:50 PM
Well I am certainly sorry if I was "stating the obvious - what you shouldnt do, even when you havent done it." I posted based on what I read *shrugs*.
Certainly seems buyer, while not being rude anymore, is not making it easy for you. Must be frustrating for sellers, especially ones who have pride in giving good customer service.