04-05-2018 10:44 PM - edited 04-05-2018 10:46 PM
I've just got slammed over $50 for basic store fees when I have never subscribed to their package! I tested out their basic store for a day when they still have the 3 months promotions then unsub after knowing that I'm not going to sell that much
Otherwise I'd have 600 listings per month, I'm only allowed to have 40 listings per month and I'm staying within that limit. I've checked my account and realised that they charged me for last month and this month for basic store package, went and check my account, it's only 40 listings per month and said, I'm not subscribing to any store package.
Really Ebay, that's some integrity dealing in business.
on 05-05-2018 04:50 PM
on 05-05-2018 07:41 PM
It appears you have now unsubbed from the store. You'll be charged for what they said you'd be, but you shouldn't be charged any more. The red door is gone from next to your ID name. For future reference, a store isn't worth it unless you have in excess of 100 listings and a reasonable turnover. Me personally, I'm happy to stick with the 40 freebies that eBay kindly gives me each month. It's enough to keep me going over multiple ID's!