What's with all these bogus roses on offer from China??

What's with all these Bogus & totally photoshopped Roses on offer from China. ?? Absolute Rubbish that don't exist. Item 251352106618. Shakes head, to think people buy this "Stuff" for want of a better word !!!

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Re: What's with all these bogus roses on offer from China??

@lyndal1838 wrote:

Photoshop is remarkable, isn't it Chezzy??

It is so easy to do that I am surpried they are only sticking to 2 colours.


At this stage they have,Purple,Blue,White,Green,Yellow and the traditional red,stubborn_smiley_by_mirz123-d4bt0te_zps12f1a5a3.gif



I have sent another Email to Customer support stating:


When are eBay going to take action and remove the scam seed sellers from this site.


Blue,Black,Lime green,Purple Strawberries don't exist.


Purple,Blue,Yellow,White,Green Watermelon don't exist.


They are photo shopped,if you check the photos for the Purple and Blue in this listing


item number here you'll see that it's the same photo but one is Purple and the other one is Blue.


Rainbow,Black,Blue,Green Roses are made as this legit seller states: item number here


Some of these scammers have being selling these type of scam items for over a year and none have


ever being removed after they where reported.


The boards can't believe how gullible eBay is to allow these listings.


They continue to rip off members for thousands of dollars and must be laughing all the way to their




The seed category need to be sorted and have these scammers removed.


If they aren't they'll start listing even more scam items,(which is already happening).


Members that have been ripped of by these scammers will not return to buy other items and they'll


tell their friends not to shop on eBay as it's a shonky site that allows scammers.


Members are reporting them all the time but none are removed.


Can you answer me as to why they aren't removed please.


Why do eBay allow this farce to continue.


Surely it's in the best interest of eBay and it's members that the fake seed /listings are removed,(and


the sellers sanctioned or removed for listing them).





Message 11 of 20
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Re: What's with all these bogus roses on offer from China??

Could you have something that is called a "blue watermelon" and not actually be blue. Even though they have made it blue to enhance the image Cat LOL Queensland blue pumpkins don't look very blue to me.

Message 12 of 20
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Re: What's with all these bogus roses on offer from China??

There is an Aussie seller selling blue strawberry seeds too..... 251602594657

Message 13 of 20
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Re: What's with all these bogus roses on offer from China??

That same guy is selling 'Watermelon - Miniature Mexican Seeds' that can weigh up to 4.5kg, still a small watermelon I guess.


I also purchased some blue **bleep** grass seed a while back and the seeds are blue, I'm not sure what colour the grass is.Smiley LOL


Message 14 of 20
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Re: What's with all these bogus roses on offer from China??

@dylan11235813 wrote:

That same guy is selling 'Watermelon - Miniature Mexican Seeds' that can weigh up to 4.5kg, still a small watermelon I guess.


I also purchased some blue **bleep** grass seed a while back and the seeds are blue, I'm not sure what colour the grass is.Smiley LOL



I got bleeped for a grass variety


Message 15 of 20
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Re: What's with all these bogus roses on offer from China??

Dylan, Queensland blue pumpkins are a blue/grey colour. There are no blue watermelons in name or colour (I grow and breed a huge variety of new and heritage vegetables including melons and if there was a real blue watermelon I would be buying seeds in an instant).

Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
Message 16 of 20
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Re: What's with all these bogus roses on offer from China??

Buyers receive their seeds, leave positive feedback.. don't realise till after the seeds have been planted, and then they don't grow into what type of plant they were listed as..  then its too late to do anything about it. Is that how this scam works?

Message 17 of 20
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Re: What's with all these bogus roses on offer from China??

I was just throwing ideas out there as to why ebay is not removing the listings and basically taking the p**s


Message 18 of 20
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Re: What's with all these bogus roses on offer from China??

reply to ilovemychooks, who said:


I thought I had read awhile ago that the roses are actually a cream coloured rose and you have to split the base of the stem after cutting and dip each split section into food colouring to achieve the rainbow effect. In view of that, I did a seach on eBay and found a (Hong Kong) seller who gives the instructions on how to do it. 331147324794


At least this seller tells you straight out that the roses you are buying are cream, unlike all the others that imply you are actually going to grow that coloured rose.



I went to this item number, out of curiosity LOLSmiley LOL


After the main item description and before all the pretty rainbow roses pics I read this message:



Note:   Australian custom restricts the import of this item.


Please be willing to accept the loss and give me good feedback if it happens.




LOL!Smiley LOLSmiley LOLSmiley LOL

Message 19 of 20
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Re: What's with all these bogus roses on offer from China??

LOL, I must have missed that bit!! I didn't scroll far enough.

Message 20 of 20
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