on 13-10-2014 02:48 PM
Hi, I sold an item on 21st of November, I have sent an invoice and then later I sent a message asking when they were going to pay and have had no reply yet. What do I do now? I would like to relist the item for sale instead of having it sit around here. Or i'm happy to send to buyer if they actually pay & soon! Thankyou.
on 14-10-2014 08:36 PM
Day 2 ebay send a reminder, day 3 I send an ivoice with a message asking them to confirm payment as I can't trace it, Day 4 open dispute, day 8 close it and add to list.
on 14-10-2014 08:48 PM
Postive feedback that states buyer didn't pay?
on 14-10-2014 09:33 PM
Good way to get a policy violation if the 'buyer' knows the rules.
14-10-2014 09:47 PM - edited 14-10-2014 09:51 PM
Still waiting for my policy violations spanning several years for leaving non payers POSITIVE HONEST feedback as Chooks has done.
IMO the non paying PESTS do not seek recourse as they are:
- suitably shamed and/or would not dare ring eBay when they have violated eBay policy AND a lawful contract of sale
- couldn't give a fig, and go on with their NON PAYMENT habits
- start a new ID (or fire up an old ID where the strikes have expired) when they they are blocked too frequently
- numerous other reasons
I also imagine that my non-payers would not respond to the PMs received from those who chose to stir the pot and champion the "rights" of non paying PESTS.
I give my thanks again to those seller that decide they will make this a safer trader place by leaving honest positive feedback (that is allowed under eBay policy) and follow ups re non payment, not as described, not recieved and downright difficult customers, as a heads up for others.
on 14-10-2014 10:36 PM
I also imagine that my non-payers would not respond to the PMs received from those who chose to stir the pot and champion the "rights" of non paying PESTS.
As buyer IDs are not shown anymore, it would be a bit hard, even if somebody was so inclined.
14-10-2014 10:39 PM - edited 14-10-2014 10:41 PM
Duh, only recently changed, my post refers to SEVERAL years heckle.
on 15-10-2014 03:08 AM
@davewil1964 wrote:I also imagine that my non-payers would not respond to the PMs received from those who chose to stir the pot and champion the "rights" of non paying PESTS.
As buyer IDs are not shown anymore, it would be a bit hard, even if somebody was so inclined.
With any less than positive feedback, it's just a matter of including the user's ID as part of the comment.
on 15-10-2014 01:13 PM
I don't normally leave negative positives, but I felt the need with this one for some reason. I didn't go on with all the uppcase beware stuff, just gave an honest opinion on my dealings with that buyer. Naming and shaming made me feel better 😄
I haven't had a non payer for months, but I've got/had 2 this week. A low feedback (5) has decided to ignore my invoice and resent invoice, so tomorrow, being day 4, I will open a case if she doesn't pay. I pointed out (nicely) in my second invoice that eBay could restrict her account if she doesn't pay and that ignoring it won't make it go away. I also said if she has changed her mind, that's OK, but she needs to let me know. I'm not expecting to hear anything from her.
on 15-10-2014 08:22 PM
on 20-10-2014 08:00 PM
Yes, September (last month) sorry... not November! And thankyou all so much for all the great advice