What to do with buyers opened cases and receive full refund although items delivered oversea?

I was one of ebay top rated seller that paid ebay fee around $20k annually
I sold many to oversea during the COVID time
and then some buyers were very tricky and wanted items to arrive within 2 weeks although I clearly stated shipping was delayed so expect at least 1 month for the delivery
After couple weeks then some tricky buyers filed the case with ebay and asked for refund. Somehow on ebay the estimated delivery time is just 10-14 days no matter what I chose in the listings
Ebay refunded them no matter what
And 1 week later items arrived!
I asked buyer to pay for that or return my stuffs ( they are oversea, in US and AusPost is unable to return my parcels)
All of them just simply ignored my requests
Ebay ignored me and said cases were already closed and they couldn't do anything. Even though they said I could appeal if items arrived within 1 month after the refund
Paypal had nothing to do with that
So I lost my stuffs, refunded money, and could do nothing to them
Better to be only within Australia this time
Anyone succeeded with similar situations?

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What to do with buyers opened cases and receive full refund although items delivered oversea?



One reason why it would be good for you to look methodically through the various threads/topics posted in this Selling board is that you will become more familiar with its layout and how to browse... You'll see the most popular topics, gain a huge amount of information posted here by sellers and buyers both...


To get you started, however, I have gathered just a few of the recent threads about postage issues related to COVID-19.




For the rest, I do urge you to read over the other threads, going back over the last 2 months for starters.


(No one here can find those threads more easily than you, as we'll all fellow buyers or sellers or both, rather than snazzy thread-finding ninjas. In other words, give it a try and you'll find yourself becoming familiar with these boards and the people who post here. The majority of posters are helpful but they will not spoonfeed you information; however, you'll never get better, more useful information about eBay from any other source, since the people here are used to finding ways of dealing with the thistles and thorns of eBay.)


Happy reading, and hopefully you will find yourself equipped to politely but persistently state your case with eBay Chat reps, quoting policy as needed, providing all evidence needed, and being prepared to restate any information that can bear repeating. Good luck!

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