What was changed on ebay recently? My sales dropped 50%

Not sure what happed but guess ebay has made some changes on search results. My sales dropped about 50% recently. Anyone has noticed that?

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What was changed on ebay recently? My sales dropped 50%

Kustom is primarily a buyer, and hasn't posted on the boards for months.


So a) it is doubtful you will get a response,


b) Kustom hasn't posted anything in this thread which would rate your question, and


c) you are Kustom?

Message 101 of 117
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What was changed on ebay recently? My sales dropped 50%

Hi everyone!

Yes sales have dropped for me this month and on top of that " record month" for Unpaid item cases.

I am not sure whats going on... but if ebay puts up prices its going to be bad.

Hard to keep up withthe fees as it is...

Message 102 of 117
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What was changed on ebay recently? My sales dropped 50%

I am not sure if this is only happyning to my store or other ebay sellers in australia, since one week i have no sales at all, it is very strange for me, never happen before, any one notice if there is any recent updates on Australia ebay?


Thank you


Message 103 of 117
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What was changed on ebay recently? My sales dropped 50%

i got 200 free listings the other week so keen i listed 187 items 

result was 2 items sold for bin to same buyer. and one auction sold at higher price than i listed it for the past  months as bin.

since january 1st ive sold a total of 11 items WOW. before xmas from june last year i was sell around 40 items a month. 

its got nothing to do with my prices as i sell them 60% off RRP. 

my other shop on diffrent site that in 2013 sold in total 8 items again WOW has been dead as for years now since start of this year ive sold 29 listings with one non payer and no fees to list or fv fees. Im not sugessting anything here but maybe ebay should learn that if things work as is then dont go changing them. by the way the 187 listings for diecast cars the biggest thing was 11 views was the highest amont of view over a 10 day listings.

Message 104 of 117
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What was changed on ebay recently? My sales dropped 50%

I very much doubt what is causing your current drop in sales has anything to do with what was causing drops in sales 6 MONTHS ago.

Message 105 of 117
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What was changed on ebay recently? My sales dropped 50%

as we all know sales around this time of year do as a rule drop off i dont dispute that.

but honestly 4 months ago i avaraged around 60 to 100 views per listing but the past two months avarage 11 to maybe 20 views.

i have not changed my postage prices i have no riased my items prices. im selling the same diecast cars and what not as before.

there is no reason why my views to each page should have dropped in the large number as they have. my feedback is 100% maybe the view to page counter is not working i dont know just dont make any sence.   

Message 106 of 117
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What was changed on ebay recently? My sales dropped 50%

I have no idea how many views my items have. Nor do I care.


My point was that this thread is 6 MONTHS old, so the issues then have no relevance to now.


But, maybe, the fact that nobody knows if they are going to have a job tomorrow might be impacting on discretionary spending. And the credit card bills from the Christmas splurge would be hitting about now, too.

Message 107 of 117
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What was changed on ebay recently? My sales dropped 50%

and just maybe, there are now more people selling the same things that you do, so the purchases are getting distributed between more sellers

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 108 of 117
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What was changed on ebay recently? My sales dropped 50%

The economy in general is tight.

Many items sold on Ebay are discretionary spends so in tough times sales will drop.

The credit card crunch seems to be hitting hard this year on ebay and in my core business as well.


And in issues related to Ebay the flood of Chinese listers appearing in front ofAussie sellers on the Australian site is an issue from months ago that is also making it harder for Aussie people to sell.


The increased costs of listing are making people question the viability of selling on Ebay and with reduced quality of listings less people are wasting their time ploughing through thousands of same old same old listings. Hene peoples page views and sales are reduced.


Another thing affecting page views is the pop ups, and internal adverts pushing people away from the site.

If you go to Ebay to look at model trains and the insistent advert flashing at  you for Gumtree or Ghan Holidays take you away from the train listings and if you book on the Ghan holiday you can not afford to buy the 50 dollar train you intended looking at.


In days of old we worked on the principal of 100 page views for an item would almost guarantee a sale.

Nowadays we are lucky to get 20 page views on almost anything.

I put that down to people being distracted by the third party adverts.

Or having to scroll past them to get past sponsored links or more items from this seller, or what other people who viewed this item  have looked at ,


To me the old changes to the system are compounding now to make a tight marketplace even tighter and with the fee structure as it is the viability of Ebay is really becoming questionable.

Message 109 of 117
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What was changed on ebay recently? My sales dropped 50%

One would hope smart buyers have ad blockers. That knocks out a lot of it.

Message 110 of 117
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