on 28-02-2013 12:45 PM
Customer bought a laptop case 2 weeks ago.
She said it broke when she "took it off to get the laptop's serial number. Not happy with how long it last".
I'll be sending her a new case.
What would you do?
on 28-02-2013 03:02 PM
You're being very kind & trusting the buyer so nothing else to suggest.
Just re that coarse language in the neg left for you last month,JMO but I'd call ebay & ask for it to be removed.
JMO but after reading some of your feedback,you seem to attract some rather strange buyers lol
Looking at the feedback left by buyers buying trading card items I'm inclined to agree with you foxy... We are a strange bunch ;\
on 01-03-2013 01:41 AM
Perhaps write in your listings for cases it doesnt come with a two week warranty !