Where are the free listings?

Does anyone have any theories on why non store sellers haven't got the free listings in a long time?

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Re: Where are the free listings?

I can see where the theory is coming from, but I really can't see why Ebay would not be constantly upgrading their servers to accommodate growth, regardless of cost.  They make oodles of profits every year, and are still growing despite the fact that it seems like they want to drive us away.  If listings can't be seen, they don't make money, I really doubt they would limit visibility just to reduce maintenance costs.


Then again, maybe I'm just too trusting......


Message 21 of 25
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Re: Where are the free listings?

My husband was reading Flip, and Ebay only made 18billion I think he said. That was way down to what they wanted to make.


Message 22 of 25
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Re: Where are the free listings?

18 billion, is that all. The poor things. They will be lining up at Centrelink next. lol

Message 23 of 25
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Re: Where are the free listings?

@pennyforum14 wrote:

I can see where the theory is coming from, but I really can't see why Ebay would not be constantly upgrading their servers to accommodate growth, regardless of cost.  They make oodles of profits every year, and are still growing despite the fact that it seems like they want to drive us away.  If listings can't be seen, they don't make money, I really doubt they would limit visibility just to reduce maintenance costs.


Then again, maybe I'm just too trusting......

I agree it does not seem like good business ( But neither do many of ebays other recent decisions ) . The general talk on computer threads is that ebays system has just "grown like topsy" over the years and is patches on top of patches to the point that the whole lot needs to be scrapped and replaced with a brand new, modern, custom designed system. Ebay did not reach its projected profit target at its last public announcement several weeks ago resulting in a share sell off. Its share price is dragging lower over time where its comparable technology competitors are generally moving ahead strongly. Market sentiment is not strong for ebay shares and this could all be affecting decisions on investing huge sums of money at the moment. As stated its all theory, but seems like one logical explanation for some of the things we "mere mortals" see at the coal face.

Message 24 of 25
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Re: Where are the free listings?

Not applicable

it doesnt make sense that they wouldnt upgrade the infrastructure to cope


more sales = more profit = more happy sellers = more listings = even more sales = even more profit


less sales = less profit = disgruntled sellers = sellers leaving = less listings = sad ebay only making 18bn

Message 25 of 25
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