Why can't I not list until it sells? + Fees eBay - PayPal.

This is insane:

Item (DVD or CD) being sold for $5.00 on eBay with $2.50 postage & handling (total $7.50):

PayPal fee (owned by eBay) (on total amount $7.50) I do not know why it is so high = 48c

eBay Final Value Fee  (on sale amount $5.00) 7.90% = 39c

eBay Listing-fee (if it does not sell and I want relist it is another 50c) = 50c

Total fees= $1.37c

Profit = $3.63c

I'm just here selling until I get rid of all of my possessions (I have a lot). I list almost everything at $5.00 at auction, no matter that it may be worth more. I usually only list 30 items a month but last month I thought I would list 100 items to see if it was worth it. It cost me $35 just to list 70 items, DVDs and a few CDs at $5.00 each and not all sold. I think around 15 did not sell. My complaint is not so much about the incredible greed involved here, in all the fees, but the fact that it just goes way too far when you have to pay to relist after an item did not sell.

And with the items listed so low already it is kind of ridicules to realist at the cost of another 50c.

I will keep going with 30 a month but it will take me ages to sell it all at this rate. I put items on another site but although the fees are very low I have hardly sold anything.

I think there is an arrogance attached to eBay that kind of says that if you want to sell you have to go through us because we have more buyers, so we charge whatever we like. That’s fine for the buyer but the seller is really getting screwed. I feel very sorry from anyone trying to make a living from selling on eBay.

You would think they would at least let a seller list until sold or withdrawn after an agreed period.

I know this will not make any difference but I felt like putting this out there.


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Re: Why can't I not list until it sells? + Fees eBay - PayPal.

Honored Contributor

Your poll makes no sense at all...you can pos without one, you know?

If you want to list items until they sell you may find a store is the way to go.

Message 2 of 10
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Re: Why can't I not list until it sells? + Fees eBay - PayPal.

If you have a lot to sell then open a store.

It is $24.95 a month and you can list Buy now listings only for 30 days at 20c a listing.

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Re: Why can't I not list until it sells? + Fees eBay - PayPal.

why? because eBay is a business

they are in the business of running an online selling facility, they have obligations to their shareholders to make a profit,

if you want to use their business, its only fair you pay to do so. why should they give away their services for free??

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Re: Why can't I not list until it sells? + Fees eBay - PayPal.

splat..... dozed off ....... fell out of my tree


This has been done to death lately, it reeally is quite easy - if you think it is too expensive selling on ebay - don't. Have a garage sale, list in the paper, and you admit yourself OP that you are listing for a lot less than you think the items are worth??? Why then complain at a small margin of profit ?:|

don't take life too seriously.......it's not permanent
Message 5 of 10
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Re: Why can't I not list until it sells? + Fees eBay - PayPal.

DVD or CD's listing fee is 0.05 cents.

FVF is closer to 10% or sale price.


If you are a store owner, dunno if  it is the same if you aint?

-- A
Message 6 of 10
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Re: Why can't I not list until it sells? + Fees eBay - PayPal.

DVD or CD's listing fee is 0.05 cents.

FVF is closer to 10% or sale price.

If you are a store owner, dunno if  it is the same if you aint?

No, that fee structure applies to stores only.

IMO, when people know what the fees are (and there's no reason they shouldn't), they have every opportunity in the world to make an informed choice about the best venue to list what they have to sell.


List somewhere else for much less, take much longer to sell (if items sell at all), possibly compromising on achievable price.

Take everything to a pawnbroker or similar, clear it all out in one hit, probably take a considerably small percentage of what is achievable elsewhere.

Sell on eBay, higher cost to sell may or may not be outweighed by more traffic, faster turnover than other venues, best chance of acheiving premium price by selling at an established retail level.

I find it interesting how some make the choice that (overall and in general) contain the most benefit to them, yet complain about the trade-off for those benefits (cost). A considerable amount of legwork has been done on behalf of most who sell here - legwork you almost certainly have to do yourself when selling elsewhere, or is done by those who onsell bulk purchases like pawnbrokers. Personally, I'm happy to pay the fees for that being done on my behalf, pretty much as I would be if I decided to pay someone to create a television ad for my products (if I ever thought it'd be worth it, that is).

Message 7 of 10
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Re: Why can't I not list until it sells? + Fees eBay - PayPal.

This was my very fist listing and I made a mistake. I re-listed the topic with corrections. I do not know who to delete this posting.


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Re: Why can't I not list until it sells? + Fees eBay - PayPal.

Honored Contributor

You have far more answers on this thread than you have on the other one, but they are essentially the same.

Don;t you like the answers?

Message 9 of 10
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Re: Why can't I not list until it sells? + Fees eBay - PayPal.

I put items on another site but although the fees are very low I have hardly sold anything.


drew1977red:  not to be harsh, but I think this sentence in your OP sums it up :8}

don't take life too seriously.......it's not permanent
Message 10 of 10
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