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Wrong Defect Rate for Upcoming New Feedback System?

When I look at the display of what my defect rate will be under the new system it says i have 4 defect for item not as described but in actual fact i have 100% 5 stars for that? Anyon else seeing incorrect numbers on there?

Message 1 of 21
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Re: Wrong Defect Rate for Upcoming New Feedback System?

Yes I find myself in the same situation and had already worked out that the discrepancy between current DSR(s) for item not described - I in June 2013, and the 4 that the new notifications says I have, is because low DSRS will come August, 1's , 2's AND 3'S. 

With the present system only 1's and 2's affect our profile.


I did query this with ebay before I worked it out for myself and have never had a response from them in over a week.


I have been a Top Rated Seller for a good while now and this new system will demote me, to above standard.


In my original query about the new seller performance standards, where I wondered whether infact this change should at least not be retrospective, the typical ' wince-producing' response we, "But don't worry YOU HAVE PLENTY OF TIME, TO BOUNCE BACK" before August. . . . .


That had the same effect on me as chalk scraping on a blackboard !!!!!! 


They treat us like idiots !!!!!

Message 11 of 21
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Re: Wrong Defect Rate for Upcoming New Feedback System?

i had the same issue and was given the runaround with different answers each time from ebay customer service - they did say they were "looking into the matter" regarding penalising an account if customers changer thier minds and want a refund 

Message 12 of 21
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Re: Wrong Defect Rate for Upcoming New Feedback System?

Well, I'm screwed. I just started to go into eBay at the end of last year and I had to learn alot (ended refudning alot of items at the beginning for my noobness). Now I'm going to get punished in August as it will go from above standard to below standard straight off and I will be in the red and probably suspended?


I might have to try and dilute my early defects by making a loss on my items just to keep my account stable.. because of that.. or wait until next year ๐Ÿ˜ž

Message 13 of 21
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Re: Wrong Defect Rate for Upcoming New Feedback System?

I've always hear stuff like that, but it always seems to end in the same way, nothing changes..

Best we can do is, probably add a note to each order that can easily be seen once opened and persuade them to message you before you open a case in the simpliest form so that the average person can understand straight away.


I believe when you do a business like this, then you must always cater for the dumbest person and never assume everyone is smart.


When I used to make apps for the itunes store, I made a one that simulated a cracked screen on the phone (it really was just a picture on the screen with fake cracks) and Apple was forced to take it down because I had customers going into the Apple store to get it fixed thinking is was a cracked screen.... even after the phone screen was off.. they still failed to realise it was a prank.


Best to note that Apple has already gone down the same path of eBay and shunning out all indie developers in favor for the bigger well reputated companies (ie: modifying search engines and listing search results 1 app per swipe when before you can see like 200 a page).


Nothing really we can do that will change eBay's stance.. We probably need a "Martin Luthor King" of eBay to stand up and unite us all and cause a change once and for all.

Message 14 of 21
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Re: Wrong Defect Rate for Upcoming New Feedback System?

Can anyone offer their advice on what sellers are to do if a defect is received that you feel was unjustified? (As 3's are now counted for item not as described.)


Other than adding the buyer to the special customer list, then very politely contacting them in an attempt to learn from the experience - asking what was not to their satisfaction with the item and it's description (even with very clear photos) - what are we to do? Obviously learn from the experience and be extremely diligent with more photos and very lengthy descriptions I guess, but it seems some buyers might just cause a defect simply because they can.

Message 15 of 21
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Re: Wrong Defect Rate for Upcoming New Feedback System?

I'm not sure if there is anything we can do at this point. Other members have said eBay has told them at this stage, defects can't be removed as they are not presently set up to be able to remove them. You can ask the buyer to send eBay a message saying they made a mistake with their DSR rating and ask for it to be removed, but apparently, the defect stays regardless. Apparently eBay is working on it.....implementing a way to remove wrong defects. We've all heard that before!


I sent my positive feedback low DSR buyer a message asking if he could send eBay a message to have the low rating removed. He apologised profusely and wondered how I knew it was him that left the low DSR. Given that a lot of what I had been selling over the previous few months had been free postage, so I got an automatic 5 stars, his was the only paid postage. It didn't take a genius to work it out, even without the new system. He said he would send a message, but several months later, the feedback and low DSR remain, so I replied to his feedback. "Buyer leaves postive feedback and low DSR ratings". Hopefully now he knows the ratings aren't anonymous any more, he may not be so quick to do it.

Message 16 of 21
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Re: Wrong Defect Rate for Upcoming New Feedback System?

Hi, Just wondering how to leave follow up feedback and or revise my feedback comments for buyers. Thanks.

Message 17 of 21
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Re: Wrong Defect Rate for Upcoming New Feedback System?

@meekamag2 wrote:

Hi, Just wondering how to leave follow up feedback and or revise my feedback comments for buyers. Thanks.

You will not be able to revise your feedback for your buyer as presumedly you left a positive comment with a positive dot.


Remember that it is a breach of policy to do otherwise and eBay may remove any feedback which breaches policy.




Responding to Feedback


Can Feedback be changed or removed?


When eBay may remove or adjust Feedback

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 18 of 21
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Re: Wrong Defect Rate for Upcoming New Feedback System?

Thank you so much for your help. Is there a quick link to them from the feedback page?

Message 19 of 21
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Re: Wrong Defect Rate for Upcoming New Feedback System?

customer support tab top right of the screen - go in there and type feedback in the search doobie - it will bring up numerous links including those I have provided.


Otherwise, bookmark the pages you want.


I don't think there is a direct link from your feedback pages, As you can see, there is a lot of information aboiut feedback, and maybe too much to put directly at the source.


Failing that, I am sure that Trusty will be along soon with one of his schmick coloured step by step diagrams (inside joke)

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 20 of 21
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