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defamatory buyer feedback

what can be done to challenge defamatory buyer feedback?

Message 1 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

Honored Contributor


There is nothing in that feedback that would prompt ebay to remove it.

The buyer is entitled to state their opinion of the transaction and that is what they have done.

Message 2 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

If I were you, I wouldn't worry. You have given them a reply and the beauty of it all is the buyer's feedback is so generalised it means nothing.

No one reading it has any idea what on earth the problem was and your reply intimated the person had some vague complaint that was possibly rejected by ebay itself. Readers will believe that when they see how vague the feedback itself is.

Message 3 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

Absolutely nothing in that feedback that could be considered defamation of character.

Buyer simply states how they feel regarding the transaction.


Your reply however could be removed should the buyer request it, you can not mention disputes or claims in feedback or response to fedback and you have inferred the buyer is a liar and a cheat - that is defamation.


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 4 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

I took the 'case' to mean a iphone case or the like.

Message 5 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

going by that feedback you must be a really bad seller and I don't want to buy from you. Good luck trying to get it removed.

Message 6 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

I wasn't being serious in my last post.

Message 7 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

a tablet case/cover identical to previous perfect sales!

Message 8 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

I had to state the truth in the only place I found. The buyer stated  they had received a rude response without being specific. I, however was specific when I sent messages trying to find what the buyer was expecting. I specifically aked them if item received was different to advertised & no reply. I have a perfect record (before this suspicious defamatory comment). I have still not received a PRECISE explanation of what was wrong with the sale. That was the first negative feedback against me in 50 sales. What would a reasonable person assume from that FACT?

If one states “Have never been treated so poorly by a seller” without a reason & seller with perfect record refutes it, a reasonable person would normally be sympathetic to the seller. Furthermore, the feedback obviously implies that I treated them badly or poorly. This is the problem when people do not deal in facts. I have not revealed the entire contents of messages, but you somehow defend the one insulting my reputation. See a simple definition of defamation:

1. (Law) law the injuring of a person's good name or reputation. “

I claim I did NOT treat anyone poorly.

I do not think it is FAIR for a web auction site to allow injurious descriptions of feelings rather than actual facts.


It is VERY WORRYSOME that someone with a perfect record can have his reputation besmirched by UNSUBSTASNTIATED comments.

You sprung into action so fast you must be an expert. Can you explain what the probable purpose of publishing UNSUBSTASNTIATED bad feedback could be? On a world wide site.

I, on the other hand, was merely defending my reputation.

I am very concerned about the attacks on honest members who point out the lack of protection for well intended honest sellers.

Message 9 of 30
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defamatory buyer feedback

Isn't truth a requisite in ebay?

I think it is a MAJOR problem if members can state ANY opinions.

Any ill intentioned person could make UNSUBSTASNTIATED claims about their enemies, much like in East Germany, the Soviet Union. Etc.


(Yes, I am upset at the treatment I have received, often, in an increasingly deteriorating society.)

Message 10 of 30
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