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eBay - Must be breaching some laws in certain countries right?

I've been apart of eBay for ages, recently my parnter and I seperated to different eBay accounts and because of being a 'new seller' they've had my money on hold with Paypal for each time.  


Now it states for new sellers it's 90 days since first sale etc.  But I'm about 4 months in....... so any reason for that eBay?


I also noticed they now advertise the very products I may sell for some things above or in the middle of my listing?  Like a Google Ad type thing. 


Why buy this part here when these guys have it for sale for ........   eBay are you kidding me?


Holding peoples money surely must be illegal.  eBay is 100% going to be profiting off holding your money......  are they going to take the interest they earn off your fee's?  No.  It's big business behaving badly.


Presently I have about $500 on hold with Paypal from eBay.  It's a joke it really is.  So you guys want me to sell stuff, have you NOT PAY ME.......  expect me to pay postage without ANY OF THAT MONEY............ wait til the customer gets it and hope they are not some LYING POS........  before you'll hand my money and then send me a bill for all your rediculus fee's? 


Whats worse......... even if there is an item disute and you have PROOF.......  they don't look at it.  It's like talking to a brick wall, DID YOU EVEN LOOK AT THE PHOTOS, READ THE MESSAGES------------>>>>>> NO!


At some point I personally will write to the ACCC.  The economy in Australia is in the tank but retail may just die which only leaves the government to profit from the GST on eBay but if more and more sales come from eBay there needs to be alot more red tape to ensure they are kept inline.


Holding peoples money is a big no no.  Like Google, Apple and all the rest.  'We do want we want' in big business around the world has got to damn well stop.  Breaching laws and all the rest.  


What good is a platform of this nature if they rip you off blind.

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Re: eBay - Must be breaching some laws in certain countries right?

I will speak to eBay tomorrow.  I'm done sending my goods to customers without getting paid.


So I will contact everyone who's now bought from me and tell them I cannot send my item until eBay releases my funds.  NO BUSINESS ON THIS PLANET sends out their stock without money and gets it all handles the way eBay is manging this.  


I'm done.  I'm done being dictated to by eBay.  It's my stuff, your holding MY MONEY and asking me for more and more and more.



Message 2 of 15
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Re: eBay - Must be breaching some laws in certain countries right?

You are not talking to eBay. The only people who read here are other members.


If your items show as delivered, RING Paypal, give them the tracking number/s and your funds will be released.


If you don't post until your funds are released, you WILL have disgruntled buyers, who don't care about your travails with eBay, but simply want the goods they have paid for. And will rate you accordingly.

Message 3 of 15
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Re: eBay - Must be breaching some laws in certain countries right?



Note: you're not contacting eBay by posting on these boards. They are public forums on which any eBay member can post, and the responders are, like you, fellow eBay members who give voluntary helpful advice and information. (The standard of help is usually well above the type of cut-and-paste help provided by eBay customer service.)


Anecdotally, if you have another account with a good history of selling, you can contact eBay and ask them to link the accounts so that your previous history is taken into account. I know that some sellers have had success with having the "new seller" hold removed under those circumstances.


As a seller, your pc_2_go account has little history with only a handful of completed sales - is that correct? You should be able to provide a tracking number for any completed sales to demonstrate that the items have been delivered, which should (that word "should" again!) be of use in having your funds released from hold.


Contacting eBay is probably your best bet. eBay's "Have us call you" option is by far the best way to get in touch with eBay. (Emails are useless, for a number of reasons, but primarily because the responses, when they are finally sent, are bot-generated.)

eBay say: We'll call you at the phone number registered to your account, or you can enter a different number.

We’re available from 8am to 10pm AET, 7 days a week.


You've referenced the "90 days" point, so you've clearly read eBay's Payment holds on your sold items page. Bear in mind that eBay specifically state ❝If the buyer reports a problem with the transaction, we'll place another hold until the issue has been resolved.❞ You had a problem with one particular transaction where the buyer actually states that he/she will open a dispute - so that may have red-flagged your account.


Also note that eBay state that sellers become established sellers after 25 sales where the sales total at least $250 - not just after 90 days have passed since your first successful sale.


❝You'll become an established seller after:

  • It's been more than 90 days since your first successful sale
  • You've had more than 25 transactions and $250 in sales❞

Don't forget, too, that eBay mention what other factors may be affecting access to payments.


Payment holds for established sellers


If you're an established seller, you should usually get access to your payments immediately, but there are some reasons why your funds could still be placed on hold:

  • Your Seller Dashboard rating has been Below Standard for 90 days
  • You've started selling in a new category
  • Your account shows unusual activity, such as a sudden increase of eBay Money Back Guarantee cases
  • Your buyer opened a request for an item they didn't receive or an item that didn't match the listing description
  • You need to add tracking details to an item in order for an eBay Money Back Guarantee case to be resolved❞

So... check your Seller Dashboard rating... and try to avoid having buyers open requests for SNAD items or items that didn't arrive. Send with tracking if that's feasible, and keep in mind that (according to eBay) ❝Best practice is to upload tracking so you can receive the funds 1 day after confirmed delivery❞.



Probably the best thing to keep in mind is that it's eBay's playground, so you will need to work within their rules/policies. To ensure that you reach "established seller" status reasonably quickly and reasonably painlessly (I hope!), I think it may be a good idea for you to send everywthing with tracking unless you're deemed to be an established seller. Thereafter, do a risk analysis and work out whether tracked postage is a good idea for the sort of items that you send, or whether it works out best for you to self-insure. There are many threads on these boards about this, but you can always post asking for fellow sellers to chip in with their suggestions or advice, which will vary according to the price of items that they sell, the sort of items that they sell, whether or not they post internationally, and many more variables...

Message 4 of 15
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Re: eBay - Must be breaching some laws in certain countries right?

@p2gaustralia wrote:

  NO BUSINESS ON THIS PLANET sends out their stock without money and gets it all handles the way eBay is manging this.  



I understand your frustration with the payment holds, but this is actually a very common practice (businesses sending goods without receiving money - and I mean literally there has been no funds sent for a third party to hold for a specified amount of time). I've done it myself - all I had from the client was a purchase order (it's a legally binding document, but still basically just an "IOU"). 


Escrow is another common business practice, where a third party holds the funds but releases it to either the seller or buyer depending on how the transaction goes, though I suppose none of that is relevant to the main issue. 


You can speak to the ACCC, but if eBay and / or PayPal won't assist you, you're better off contacting AFCA (>Link<), since if you have a legitimate complaint, they're in a better position to help, and (anecdotally) are more proactive. 


If you are going to speak to eBay, I would urge you to have everything supporting your position at the ready (by which I mean if you are certain the action is illegal, you should be able to cite the law in question they're breaking. I'd personally take the tactic of using their own information to support my position, since if there is no fathomable reason (by their own criteria), for the holds to still be in place, they shouldn't be able to justify keeping them.

Message 5 of 15
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Re: eBay - Must be breaching some laws in certain countries right?

@p2gaustralia wrote:



So I will contact everyone who's now bought from me and tell them I cannot send my item until eBay releases my funds.  NO BUSINESS ON THIS PLANET sends out their stock without money and gets it all handles the way eBay is manging this.  



As the others said, if you do that you will almost certainly get negs for it and will have a very short selling career on eBay, or a long wait until they decide you are a responsible seller.


Advise eBay/Paypal when tracking shows as delivered or positive feedbac is left for you and your funds should be released easily enough.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 6 of 15
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Re: eBay - Must be breaching some laws in certain countries right?

All this information is available from Ebay themselves  in their help section. If you have been a part of Ebay for a long time, you would know that all new sellers have to prove themselves before restrictions are listed. The information is literally availlable for you to access any time you like in the help section - Ebay is not hiding this from you or trying to trick you.


Try selling on Amazon - they only pay out every 2 weeks and even then, often hold a sellers money for much longer for the most arbitrary of reasons. Their seller forums are littered with complaints about suspended accounts, money witholding etc. It's a far more brutal platform in comparison to Ebay.


This is Ebay's playground - they get to set the rules, which you would have agreed to when you opened the new account. Nobody is forcing you to sell here, you are welcome to try other places if you think that Ebay's guidelines are too strict.

Message 7 of 15
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Re: eBay - Must be breaching some laws in certain countries right?

<Removed>....  eBay knows it's wrong...... it's a big no no.  


Their holding onto my money while I send out my goods.......... without getting paid first.  I dont need to make an argument for that 'at all'.

Message 8 of 15
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Re: eBay - Must be breaching some laws in certain countries right?

Not only is this policy important for protection for both Ebay and buyers, but they have lawyers who go over every new policy change to make sure it complies with the law, even if it just skirts it. Gutless sheep? No, just working within Ebays parameters and planning for these types of of things so we don't get caught out.


You will get paid and when you have proven yourself then you will not have this restriction. Be patient. They don't care about your opinions so it is just a waste of time to get angry over it.

Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.
Message 9 of 15
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Re: eBay - Must be breaching some laws in certain countries right?

@p2gaustralia wrote:

Y'all a bunch of gutless sheep.....  eBay knows it's wrong...... it's a big no no.  


Obviously you didn't get the answer you wanted from the experienced responders here...............


............and probably didn't read the T&C's for new sellers when you signed up..............

"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 10 of 15
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