eBay giving certain sellers mobile phone numbers ? ...and advice would be appreciated


I recently bought a new car part from a high volume eBay seller and the day after I received a text message directly from the seller.The message also required me to reply STOP to unsubscribe from further messages directly from seller to my mobile number.

At no time did I furbish my phone number to the seller.

Is it now procedure eBay give certain sellers their customers personal contact phone number ?

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Re: eBay giving certain sellers mobile phone numbers ? ...and advice would be appreciated

All sellers can go and view an order and it shows the phone number of the buyer, as supplied to Ebay.

You can see for yourself if you have look under the order details of anything you've sold.


I think the phone numbers are provided for situations where the seller uses a courier and the buyers phone number is required, but a seller should not use it for any other means.


The main thing is that this seller appears to be attempting to contact you outside of the transaction. What was the context of the message?



Message 2 of 14
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Re: eBay giving certain sellers mobile phone numbers ? ...and advice would be appreciated

Thanks, I never knew that.

I know they used to have a set up where either of the two parties (buyer and seller) could request via eBay the contact phone number of the other party, but eBay stopped that some time ago.

I don't appreciate buying an item on eBay and then having my phone number put on a subscription list.

I just scrolled through 'view order details' pages of last 8 items I've sold, (noting I am not in the all new selling format ) ,and none have a phone number. All have buyers name and address, but no mobile numbers , or landlines for that matter.

My checkout info / address doesn't have my mobile number in it either. eBay has the number, and somewhere along the line it's been given to the seller.

Message 3 of 14
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Re: eBay giving certain sellers mobile phone numbers ? ...and advice would be appreciated

The sellers text was referring me to a message they sent on eBay message service stating they had an additional lead time for stock of the item but the message also had mention if I wanted to unsubscribe from their companies messages I needed to reply STOP..... which in itself was suspicious given the old click unsubscribe ploy with emails.

Message 4 of 14
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Re: eBay giving certain sellers mobile phone numbers ? ...and advice would be appreciated

Interesting to see that you cannot see buyers phone numbers, although as noted it may be due to the new format. I can see the buyers phone numbers, but now their email addresses are obscured.


I would be annoyed to get a message that they needed extra time to send the item to you. Some sellers do this because if they advertised as having stock and then could not supply it, they would get a defect. Now it appears that the seller is requesting more time, which is a round about way of saying they do not have it in stock,  but not saying as much within the Ebay messaging system.


Personally, I would not communicate with them. If the item does not arrive by the due date, or shortly thereafter, then open a case for Item Not Delivered, especially if no tracking is added to the order. Don't let the seller string you along and have the time frame run out for opening a case.


Is the seller located in Australia? You can double check by looking at their feedback and then seeing where they are registered, not where the item itself is located.


Once you have the item (or a refund), you can simply block their number.


You can always leave the appropriate feedback at the end of the transaction.

Message 5 of 14
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Re: eBay giving certain sellers mobile phone numbers ? ...and advice would be appreciated

@case2018 wrote:

I just scrolled through 'view order details' pages of last 8 items I've sold, (noting I am not in the all new selling format ) ,and none have a phone number. All have buyers name and address, but no mobile numbers , or landlines for that matter.


I found that before going onto Managed Payments I used to be able to get buyer phone numbers by looking at the order on my mobile through the app.


I am on MP now and just took a look at a sale from another of my IDs.  It had the buyerโ€™s mobile number and landline number.  I have included a screengrab in the spoiler below to show this (although I have blocked out the personal identifying info of my buyer)


Message 6 of 14
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Re: eBay giving certain sellers mobile phone numbers ? ...and advice would be appreciated

The phone number from buyers appear on the invoice we print out when sending items they have purchased.


The fact that the seller has put you on a ''mailing'' list is not against the spam rules, as you are now a client with them.  Simply reply STOP and they will stop,  if not report them to ACMA,   although ACMA are as useless as.

Message 7 of 14
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Re: eBay giving certain sellers mobile phone numbers ? ...and advice would be appreciated

The buyers phone number is shown to all sellers when they use postage labels.     There is no sinister intent on the part of the seller.


In this particular case, just use the STOP as suggested above.


In these days of online selling and buying,  it is common to have a phone number shown -  some find it a convenience to be texted with delivery updates for example.


OP:   if you really don't want your number to be visible, I think there is an option in your own preferences to take it out.



Message 8 of 14
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Re: eBay giving certain sellers mobile phone numbers ? ...and advice would be appreciated

Further:    the seller probably thought they were being helpful in advising the OP that there would be a delay.    As I said, I don't find it sinister, or evidence that they have a mailing list and the OP will be subject to spamming.


I don't mind giving out my mobile number,  my phone has never been spammed by an ebay seller from a purchase I have made.    (Emails now, that's a different story ๐Ÿ˜€)

Message 9 of 14
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Re: eBay giving certain sellers mobile phone numbers ? ...and advice would be appreciated

@case2018 wrote:

I just scrolled through 'view order details' pages of last 8 items I've sold, (noting I am not in the all new selling format ) ,and none have a phone number. All have buyers name and address, but no mobile numbers , or landlines for that matter.

My checkout info / address doesn't have my mobile number in it either. eBay has the number, and somewhere along the line it's been given to the seller.

The buyer's phone number for all orders is shown under ORDERS  - select order - drop down menu VIEW ORDER DETAILS

Message 10 of 14
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