eBay is persecuting me

On Wednesday September 4, I put up nine listings for replica designer handbags for 12" fashion dolls (the same handbag in nine different colours).  I initially included the designer name thinking it shouldn't be a trademark violation as they were quite clearly described as replica handbags for dolls, and also because there are other listings on eBay for doll handbags that do include high end designer names. 


The listings were not showing up in search results within an hour or so, at which point I suspected I had committed a trademark violation, and so I went back to all nine listings and removed the designer name from the listing title (but not from the body of the listing).


The following day I received an "MC019 Listing Policy Violation Alert: Trademark Violation - Unauthorized Item" email stating that all nine listings had been removed.  In fact the listings had not been removed, and all nine were still clearly visible and showing up in search results.  At that point I went back to the listings and removed the designer name from the body of the listing.   Once I had done that, there was no mention of a designer name anywhere in the title or within the body of the listings. 


Now today, two days after the original MC109, I've received another MC109 stating that two of the listings have been removed, as indeed they have.  Why only two out of the nine listings, identical except for a different colour being listed in each, I have no idea.  Of the two listings that were removed, and the seven that remain, there is no trademark violation; there is no mention of any designer name anywhere in the listings.  The email says "Please be assured that your listings have not been targeted in any way," but I cannot escape the impression that I am being persecuted for a violation that my listings do not contain.  It seems to me this is blatantly unfair, and I do not appear to have any source of appeal.


Does anyone know of anything I can do to stop this persecution?




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Re: eBay is persecuting me

What a ridiculous analogy, comparing something on ebay to murder


Some of us are in the gutter; some of us will stay there

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