on 21-09-2012 01:23 PM
There is an article in today's Herald Sun about online sites such as eBay to start charging Australian customers GST, I think the suggestion has been made to the goverment to do it
This means if it goes through, our bills will rise by 10%
on 21-09-2012 06:04 PM
So the larger sellers, the ones with turnovers of $300,000 plus per year, are collecting and sending off their GST as they should? Do you mind if I say 'RUBBISH'.
Ebay sends the sales figures of sellers to the ATO each year.
Will all the cross matching the ATO can do with bank accounts etc these days there would be very few eBay sellers avoiding paying GST if their turnover (including postage) was over the $75,000 mark.
on 02-07-2018 04:45 PM
on 02-07-2018 05:01 PM
Good grief....you have dragged up a 6 year old thread which has nothing to do with the current situation in regards the GST.
I suggest you read some of the other threads which are current.
The GST component of your invoice goes into a special ebay account in paypal and is remitted to the ATO....the overseas sellers have nothing to do with it.
on 12-08-2018 11:09 PM
on 12-08-2018 11:17 PM
The last relevant post on this thread was 21-09-2012 at 06:04 PM.
There are newer, more relevant threads concerning low-value imported goods GST. (For instance, https://community.ebay.com.au/t5/Buying/GST-when-buying-overseas-a-few-FACTS/m-p/2171248#M92475)
This old thread has had its day. Please let it now rest in peace.
on 17-08-2018 01:22 AM
on 17-08-2018 07:59 AM
@tmakin50tim wrote:
They are doing it already and it comes up as two separate charges to your Paypal account. The actual price the seller advertised and the other GST Australia New Zealand eBay. This what happened to me on 13/8/2018. So there is two separate transition on my PayPal account.
They are doing it already
the poster you have replied to posted back in Sept 2012 . . . . . . they are not going to come back and read your post
on 04-09-2019 11:44 AM
Not disclosing the grab snatch take on a sale before you get to PayPal to pay sounds illegal to me. Even if it is legal it is a downright dirty trick. I would complain LOUDLY to both eBay and PayPal.
on 04-09-2019 04:52 PM
They do disclose it, and this thread is about GST being charged on eBay fees, not foreign purchases. Which wasn't even a glimmer in the Treasurer's eye when this thread was actually current.