on โ27-08-2014 05:59 PM
It may be just one isolated transaction but here's a heads up.
I use Selling Mgr Pro and I have a sale sitting in the unpaid list with an awaiting PayPal payment icon.
Only problem here is that it has been paid and shows up as such in my PP account.
For some reason there is a communication breakdown between Selling Mgr/ebay and PayPal.
Anyone waiting on protracted payments might be well advised to check PP manually.
on โ27-08-2014 08:09 PM
Perhaps the buyer paid straight to your email address so it would not show up in ebay as paid until you marked it that way.
on โ28-08-2014 06:06 PM
@ Phorum,
No, this was a normal PayPal payment as opposed to a send money.
Payment was linked to the item and the hourglass symbol was and is still displayed as of 28/8.
Payment actually completed on 25/8.
eBay notification still reads awaiting payment.
Yet another glitch by the look.
on โ28-08-2014 06:22 PM
I put this post up on the power sellers bord as well.
There are at least 3 others with the same problem so definitely a bug.
on โ29-08-2014 05:38 PM
I got onto selling tools CS in the states this morning.
They confirm there are issues with PayPal notifications transferring to eBay.
Anyone awaiting payments should check their PayPal accounts manually was the advice.
The issue, along with screen shots, has been bumped to the developers.
So it may NOT be a delinquent buyer in case you were wondering.
on โ30-08-2014 01:04 PM
Here's the latest.
This payment was NOT an eCheque it was an instant payment.
This appears to be a random issue that is not widely recognized or reported.
Ebay Advanced Seller Tools CS have got back to me and reported that payment notification data was NOT received from PayPal.
Afetr a chat with PayPal they advise that they have no reports and are unaware of a problem (how unusual lol).
They advise that email notification had in fact been sent and I can confirm it was received in my web based email account on the day payment was made.
The problem appears to be that some (but not all) data transfers between PayPal and eBay.
I would like to suggest a couple of things here:
1. If anyone has a similar problem please report it or the bug will just scurry around while being ignored.
2. If you have any apparently stalled payments then check your email or PayPal or both.
Apparently we can't rely on selling manager to record payment as cleared in all cases.
(by extension this means any other CMS system you may be using as it will derive its data from eBay).
If you are offering same day or one day shipping this could be a bit of an issue!
I know I've had quite a few customers lately take a few days to pay and now I'm totally unsure whether or not that was the case at all.
From now on I'll be checking my PayPal account on a daily basis to confirm that everything that needs posting goes out.
We probably all need to be a bit wary of this one as it could impact on our defect rates ie shipping times.
If you can't pick up a payment then it's quite easy to accidentally delay postage and thus cop a defect.
Honestly, if eBay/PayPal want us to be the ultra efficient little merchandisers they require then their systems should be a bit more like caesars wife ... above reproach!