on 02-04-2013 08:19 AM
Introducing a new fee structure...coming soon .... 😐 .... trust me
on 02-04-2013 08:23 AM
I wonder why ebay needs to give us a months notice of the change but may not be required to actually document the changes until they are good and ready.
In the past, from memory, fee changes are normally documented well before they are initiated.
Have I missed an annnouncement??
on 02-04-2013 08:26 AM
Doh... it is still April 1 in the USA...maybe the link will disappear in a few hours ;-):O:-p
on 02-04-2013 08:43 AM
I a not sure if it was a good idea to put a feedback link on a page that advertised new fees in a month, then reveal them but just add 'coming soon" ?:|
New fees in a month and you still have not documented them to your CUSTOMERS?
What exactly is the idea of this page and link?
If it was designed to wind up your members then you have succeeded in my case.
Do you think that in hindsight may have been better to keep all your powder dry?? rather make a NON ANNOUNCEMENT like
coming soon
... for your benefit....
So's Christmas
on 02-04-2013 09:29 AM
every time its for our benefit and yet it always ends up costing me more. maybe this time it will be better - signed the eternal optimist.
on 02-04-2013 09:43 AM
There's a 'Learn More' link.
If you sell on eBay every now and then or perhaps as a hobby, you’ll be able to take advantage of 40 free listings every month, free addition of a Buy It Now Price to any Auction listing and free Scheduled Listings. Final value fees for successfully selling an item will increase to 9.9%.
Listing fees for the 41st listing each month and beyond will also change; Fixed Price and Auction listings with a Buy It Now or start price of $100 and under will be $1.50 each, over $100 will be $3.50 each.
Learn more about the new standard fees."
If you run a business on eBay, or you’re thinking about it, investing in an eBay Store Package can help you get a professional edge. Use the free marketing and performance management tools that come included with your Store Package to keep in touch with customers, increase your ability to promote your brand and easily monitor your sales performance.
For a monthly fee, eBay Store Packages will include:
Basic Store Package ($19.95 a month) - 80 FREE Fixed Price listings a monthFeatured Store Package ($49.95 a month) - 200 FREE Fixed Price listings a monthAnchor Store Package ($499.95 a month) - UNLIMITED FREE Fixed Price listings
Final value fees vary depending on Store Package and listing category ranging from 4% to 9.5%. Compare all the Stores side-by-side or view the detailed pages for more on each package. "
on 02-04-2013 09:46 AM
on 02-04-2013 10:21 AM
I think I will be better off with the $19:95 store.
I only have 24 listings... (all of them with variations)
I was only scraping through covering my costs.... I was hoping to slowly grow and start making more profit and was prepared to keep slogging it out.. this might be good for people like me.
on 02-04-2013 10:24 AM
on 02-04-2013 10:29 AM