on โ02-05-2014 03:55 PM
Ebay have now opened a fake acount in my mothers name twice in 18 months. The first time there was also a paypal account. as of today we have only recieved the second ebay collection from ARL.
Why are they stupid enough to do this.
It stresses my elderly mother out and i would think, stresses the poor seller who was conned.
Any answers?
on โ02-05-2014 04:28 PM
on โ02-05-2014 05:04 PM
The only logical explanation is that eBay themselves are personally attacking your mother.
on โ02-05-2014 05:05 PM
or, a scammer somehow got her personal information and is using it to carrty out their scams....
i think its a bit rich to implicate ebay as being complicit.
on โ02-05-2014 05:06 PM
I have an account with paypal and the same thing happend. I found that my wife had an account with paypal when no one open an account for her.
on โ02-05-2014 05:36 PM
Those account can only be started if the scammer has the details to do so.
In each case the scammer would have sent a phishing Email to the person and that person would have given
the scammer the sensitive information needed to open an account.
They generally ask them to log into an account to verify details.
They know the Email address is live as the person clicked on the link embedded in the Email or downloaded
In the case of the account being hijacked a second times it definitely points to a Keylogger or Trojan so you
need to:
Watch out for more spoof or phishing emails you may get and as a precaution ,run all your spy ware and virus protection and change your passwords.
on โ09-05-2014 05:47 PM
Thanks for your reply's.
They do not have my mothers full name,date of birth or email account or bank account.
The only time we heard about these accounts was a snail mail collection agency notice.
โ09-05-2014 06:32 PM - edited โ09-05-2014 06:36 PM
@thehobbyiest wrote:Ebay have now opened a fake acount in my mothers name twice in 18 months. The first time there was also a paypal account. as of today we have only recieved the second ebay collection from ARL.
Why are they stupid enough to do this.
It stresses my elderly mother out and i would think, stresses the poor seller who was conned.
Any answers?
today we have only recieved the second ebay collection from ARL.
ARL - Australian Receivers Limited - is not a registered company - Paypal DO NOT use collection agencies, neither do eBay - they simply close or suspend your account.
Your account has not been accessed, you have simply recieved a scam email from someone hoping you are foolish enough to reply and then they will give you bank details so you can pay what you owe.
Ignore it - delete it !
on โ09-05-2014 07:02 PM
Paypal and ebay DO use collection agencies if you owe them money and do not/will not pay.
on โ09-05-2014 07:23 PM
Greencat, the information you have given is irresponsible to say the least
Ebay and paypal do use collection agencies if and when necessary.
And ARL is definitely a registered collection agency with memberships of many of the collection industry associations.
The OP would be well advised to communicate with them, not delete and ignore the emails.
There could well be a scam involved if accounts have been opened in her Mother's name with ebay and paypal, but that needs to be sorted out with ebay and paypal first.....a collection agency only tries to collect what is owing to their clients. They are not in the business of verifying whether those amounts are from legitimate accounts.