fvf gotta love em

sold my first item since losing the $1 fvf offer today


1 item $55 + post to usa $29.50

fvf charged $9.20


highway robbery

Message 1 of 15
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Re: fvf gotta love em

It's lucky you have the $9.20 built into the price of the item.

image host
Message 2 of 15
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Re: fvf gotta love em

Highway robbery is when you have a gun held to your head and you don't have a choice. Nobody forced you to list it on ebay and nobody forced you to agree to post worldwide.
Message 3 of 15
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Re: fvf gotta love em

If there's somewhere else you can advertise your item worldwide to a target audience for $9.20, go for it. I doubt you'll find anywhere else that gives you as good a value as ebay.

With the exchange rate so high in the US's favour, if there's a fair chance your buyer will be from the US you should be increasing your prices a bit. 8 or 9 years ago I was buying from the US and the exchange rate was less than $1.10 AU to $1 US. Now it's over $1.40 AU, which means that Australian goods would look like real bargains to US buyers. Something that would previously listed as $11 AU could now be listed $14 AU and should have the same chance of selling. Why sell at the cheaper price if you could add another 30% and cover your fees AND have a bit to spare.
Message 4 of 15
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Re: fvf gotta love em

@davidc4430 wrote:

sold my first item since losing the $1 fvf offer today


1 item $55 + post to usa $29.50

fvf charged $9.20


highway robbery

Same as what you would have been charged had the $1 promo never existed, or you were one of the ones that didn't qualify for it. I can't believe people are still banging on about this. 12 months ago you'd have been none the wiser and would have got your money and posted your item without thinking about it.

Message 5 of 15
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Re: fvf gotta love em

I hear you OP - BUT at least you got a sale!

Message 6 of 15
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Re: fvf gotta love em

@davidc4430 wrote:

sold my first item since losing the $1 fvf offer today


1 item $55 + post to usa $29.50

fvf charged $9.20


highway robbery

Welcome to my world, lol. (Store owner, so no special FVF deals for me, and I get charged higher FVF than a lot of other categories, because.... โ€พ\_(ใƒ„)_/โ€พ )

Message 7 of 15
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Re: fvf gotta love em

@digital*ghost wrote:

@davidc4430 wrote:

sold my first item since losing the $1 fvf offer today


1 item $55 + post to usa $29.50

fvf charged $9.20


highway robbery

Welcome to my world, lol. (Store owner, so no special FVF deals for me, and I get charged higher FVF than a lot of other categories, because.... โ€พ\_(ใƒ„)_/โ€พ )

Damn it. I never thought about it that way before. Probably becuase many of my items are on the lower scales. Now I have something else to be irritated by. It makes no difference whatsoever to ebay what catagory an item is in, it's not like they are warehousing the products or anything.

Message 8 of 15
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Re: fvf gotta love em

@onekiwi0 wrote:

I hear you OP - BUT at least you got a sale!

yup, 1 sale in a month, last sale was 20th of july.

raise my prices?

that'll help.

Message 9 of 15
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Re: fvf gotta love em

@purplemon18 wrote:

Damn it. I never thought about it that way before. Probably becuase many of my items are on the lower scales. Now I have something else to be irritated by. It makes no difference whatsoever to ebay what catagory an item is in, it's not like they are warehousing the products or anything.

From eBay's perspective, I'm guessing it was meant as a subtle way of encouraging higher-quality listings, and / or reducing the volume of lower quality ones in those particular categories.


This sort of becomes more evident when you look at which categories are given lower FVF than the standard rate -  i.e. tech items, like iPhones etc, eBay really wants those items on the site, they always mention them when they spam around for sellers to list their Christmas gifts and the like. Conversely, they don't really need more fashion items, jewellery, books etc here, so if they charge a higher fee, they can kind of passively reduce and curate listings in those categories.


That's the theory, anyway. I suspect in practice it didn't quite have that kind of impact, it just made more people more resentful. Smiley Very Happy (the smiley is because I include myself in the resentful camp, but I shuffle on regardless). 

Message 10 of 15
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