on 15-02-2013 08:41 PM
I have 2 nice ceramic dishes or casseroles, one go in top of the other and then the lid, how they are called? I tried to add a photo here but for some reason I can't
Thank You!
on 16-02-2013 09:42 AM
I assume they are oven proof so stackable casserole would work for me and most will understand the term better than many others. It could also be used as a bain marie - hot water in the bottom and food in the top with the lid on to keep warm. Just a variation for listing maybe.
on 16-02-2013 12:28 PM
ooohhhhh - a double boiler - fabulous!
could you make a rice pilaff in the bottom and a casserole in the top (or vice versa) - thus doing two things at once and minimizing cooking time?