quarantine rules...Soooo freaking frustrating that eBay won't let us ban postcodes

Ok....got some of my fruit trees in a new store now and its starting all over again...Still getting buyers from TASMANIA and WA in BOTH plant stores. even though I have it clearly explained in my listing the cosequenses...Noooooo, I cant put warning it in the title as I need that space for KEY words...EBAY MUST LET PLANT SELLERS BAN post codes starting with 6 and 7.Not just countries!!!...Such a waste of time trying to refund etc without defects , penalties or whateve eBay are doing to sellers who cancel and refund orders.....etc...Thats it!..Im going shopping...

Message 1 of 20
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Re: quarantine rules...Soooo freaking frustrating that eBay won't let us ban postcodes

Oh , sorry I thought you meant CONDITION....Um, you wouldnt believe how many people dont even look in the listing at the description. Last week I asked a newbie buyer  if he read the listing, anticipating a problem  and he said.."oh sorry I dont read much"

Message 11 of 20
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Re: quarantine rules...Soooo freaking frustrating that eBay won't let us ban postcodes

pathogens in the soil and possible noxious weeds entering the state causing havoc with their eco system 

Message 12 of 20
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Re: quarantine rules...Soooo freaking frustrating that eBay won't let us ban postcodes

Hows this for a truckies nightmare!


A lounge manufacturer sent a huge semi trailer loaded with lounges from their factory in Sydney to one of their shops in Perth. The legs, which are shipped off the lounges were packed into used banana boxes (cheap, reuse, recycle etc).


At the WA border the quantine officer inspected the load and saw the banana boxes. The truckie took them off the truck and put the legs in some plastic bags.


Then he had to completely unload the semi, wash out the inside, wait for it to dry and them re-pack it. Took more than a day. He wan't pleased.



Message 13 of 20
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Re: quarantine rules...Soooo freaking frustrating that eBay won't let us ban postcodes

You can set up blocks on certain areas / states, by postcode, but I have found that the option only becomes available if the Business Policies has been enabled on an account (these allow you to set up various postage options and apply them to listings, and they can be managed from one place, plus things like payments accepted and return policies). 


There is a link to opt into Business Policies, but I can't guarantee it will work: http://www.bizpolicy.ebay.com.au/businesspolicy/policyoptin

Message 14 of 20
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Re: quarantine rules...Soooo freaking frustrating that eBay won't let us ban postcodes

OMG...at last!! I could do this, as you suggested in this store but when I tried in the main store thats been around for like everrrrrr I get this message

You can't get started with business policies right now.

We'd like to have you benefit from them right away, but we're introducing them gradually so the transition goes smoothly for everyone. Check the My eBay selling section periodically to find out when it's available to you.
I will ring ebay to see if they can lift it in my case.
Someone said that if any one new , you would ,but its so strange that all the upsets this quarantine issue has caused and ebay CS just kept telling me that if its a concern to a majority of people they will consider this.
I need to tag one seller in particular (oops , I mean send him the link) who has had a lot of grief over this issue causing several unnecessary suspensions...
Message 15 of 20
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Re: quarantine rules...Soooo freaking frustrating that eBay won't let us ban postcodes

Just been on the phone about this and unfortunatly theres no over-ride system to allow me to take advantage of business policies in my main store. I just have to keep randomly trying...Thanks DG 

Message 16 of 20
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Re: quarantine rules...Soooo freaking frustrating that eBay won't let us ban postcodes

It's one of their favourite concepts to have something that works but you can't use it.


In this case it would be that you exclude buyers that may want to purchase your listings.


They don't take into account that you can't sell to them as their quarantine laws are to stict to allow these products


into their states.


Hence why I thought you may be able to add a surcharge through the Shipping Rate Table,(eg: a $500 or


more surcharge may stop them from buying),pardon.gif

Message 17 of 20
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Re: quarantine rules...Soooo freaking frustrating that eBay won't let us ban postcodes

Yes, but they pay immediatly before a surcharge can be added

Message 18 of 20
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Re: quarantine rules...Soooo freaking frustrating that eBay won't let us ban postcodes

This goes to show that you know more than Customer service....


Hi Louise,

Thanks for contacting eBay in regard to being able to block buyers through their post codes.

Currently, this feature is not available in the site. You are unable to block a certain postcode. The only option available for you is blocking buyers from locations you donโ€™t post to. You need to specify the country and not the postcode....etc etc

Message 19 of 20
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Re: quarantine rules...Soooo freaking frustrating that eBay won't let us ban postcodes

@lou*sbloomin*garden* wrote:

This goes to show that you know more than Customer service....


Well, to be fair, most members do.... Smiley LOL


Hopefully the Business Policies will be accessible to all soon enough (people time, not eBay time :D) so that the sellers who could really use the extra features it provides can access them. I have it on this account (on which I rarely sell), but my store account doesn't have it, which is a bit backward to me. o_O

Message 20 of 20
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