on 27-02-2013 11:26 AM
on 28-02-2013 05:05 PM
Got the reply: However, in this case, we don't see enough evidence to confirm that a violation has taken place.
I can't believe that nothing is done about an obvious shiller.
I wonder whether they check the eyesight of their employees,:O
IMHO they can't see a problem with it as they get their fees from either the buyer or the shilll bidding account,(that's provided the seller doesn't get their FVF back when the shiller "wins" half of the time).
So it's a win win situation for them,(why should they care that the price has being artificially raised by the shiller and they get their fees).
on 01-03-2013 05:12 AM
Declaring Vendor bidding when a property is on the market has everything to do with licenced auctioneers auctions (house, land and property) and absolutely nothing to do with ebays "auction style format"
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Auctioneer accreditation
Anyone carrying out property or stock auctions needs to hold a specifically accredited real estate and/or stock and station agent’s licence and have the appropriate qualifications.
So ....who has a licence ???.. no licence..no auction...anyways...carry on regardless 😐
on 01-03-2013 05:17 AM
so all of these auction rules below means...diddley squat as far as ebay "auctions" are concerned... and by agreeing to ebays user agreement that ebay is not an auctioneer then you have accepted that fact
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It is an offence for an auctioneer to invent bids.
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on 01-03-2013 08:54 AM
I agree with you Go Tas .
Viewmont, I'm still waking up ...I look into what you have said and what it means if I wake up .
This is from the user agreement
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