
Hi there,

i have noticed my sales have dropped dramatically  for around a month if not a little longer.  Even when I've listed new items, I always seemed to generate more sales. But it's been very quiet and very ordinary. Has anyone else experienced the same problem. Any suggestions??

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Re: sales

To All Out There on Ebay


particularly the collectible crew ..


it isn't ebay it is the general state of economy


there is chance of deflation we have upcoming imortant federal election

  job security, investment pressures, and unemployment and migration issues


people in Australia and worldwide hlding onto the dollar

its tyre  kicking e-bay time  


i have been in busines of selling from teenager to my young 40's


these last two years in particular have been very slow

bricks and mortar wise not just ebay wise - hence had stopped brick mortar shops (30,000 annual rent  plus)

and even ebay adds for a while


notice newtown it shut down - business moved -- or died look around where you live

business dying

thank the government for not supporting small business financially and wasting money on rescue jobs fr busienss which dye anyway fridge ,car manufacturers theres two ..


still have some involvemnet in brick and mortar - and it is slow


it is not just the buyers not spending - people saving rainny day is coming soon..

imagine as most people do worried about increase in iving costs now

do with what we have and in fact get rid of stuuf we dont need

whatever price - they dont care about those sellers who built reputations on quality price


this practise of beating to bottom well they get there  $$

the ebay seller can't make costs stuff doesn't sell

and well let us not go there ---

that is reality of it


buyers lose confidence when prices of goods constantly fluctuate,,

there is a flood once item gets good dollar theres like herd of sheep

chomping to get their patch of grass..



what is item really worth - and in most cases particularly in collectables and vintage stuff

it isn't lets make another one -- ship it here free from overseas tomorrow..

and values should be more along Carters style rather than ebay

check out last few months prices style

as ebay is not reflection of anything if your not selling new you can't gauge anything



as e-bayers we need to stick to our guns

don't be pushed into selling all your stock cheaper and cheaper

it should not be race to the bottom, rather strive for the top dollar

or keep a constant round about price

if as colective we supported each other more closely well wouldnt that be an unreal world


thats is it too the world isnt kind anymore to anyone eats dog eat dog


let us make ebay the sellers world once again as it was pre 2012

keep tough don't give up


its in the timing- and how about ebay Australia offer a election special

build up confidence in sellers


as seller maybe also try more social media styles of selling as that is the new trend -

unfortunate as is ebay is not the only one out there anymore

and people do shop elsewhere -


give that a go too be a buyer support ebay wherever you can ..

and have ook round ,ear to wall where do people go if not ebay ??


thankyou to all who read and its a top day its sunny and Central Coast Nsw rocks...






Message 11 of 13
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Re: sales

I sell in the collectables category and am often having trouble keeping up with sales because of my regular job. Some days I'm still packing parcels at midnight or 1am when I have to get up at 5.30 the next morning. Then I have to hope I get home on time to get to the PO.


Some buyers are buying. They are having no problems spending money with me.

Message 12 of 13
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Re: sales

My sales average out to pretty much the same profit per year. Including postage FVFs, actual postage increases, etc.


My prices are somewhat constrained by my opposition, but I don't engage in races to the bottom. I DO tend to price at realistic, lowest price, when the opposition is in fairyland.

Message 13 of 13
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