on โ04-01-2013 02:15 PM
Since ebay introduced their offer of 30 free listings per month I have been using it; yesterday (3.1.2013) I wanted to upload twenty items with turbolister; only ten were uploaded, for the rest it said that I had exceeded my monthly limit; never heard of this before !!! Checking on ebay etc I could not find anything execpt general information; following ebay's instructions in these to find my limits ( all selling -> account limits or on the sellerdashboard) there were no links or information re my limits to be found anywhere. Complete blank. At the bottom of my 'all selling' page there is a reference to the 30 free lsitings, simply stating "used 10, left 20". Even trying to relist an unsold item results in the same message re account limit displayed. I phoned ebay this morning, just to be told some general bla bla about them updating and reviewing, which really meant nothing to me. received an email later saying " ...the current limits will not be eligible for appeal until after 30-Jan-13. You are welcome to write back on 30-Jan-13 for another review. This should provide enough time for some recent sales to be delivered and feedback received. At that time, we'd be happy to review your account and, if possible, adjust your selling limit to allow additional activity to take place. In the meantime, we encourage you to continue to build a positive selling history on eBay and to follow all selling policies. You can also monitor your performance in your seller dashboard to ensure that you are maintaining your excellent service to buyers, and keeping your account in good standing."
Ebay is advertising and promoting its first 30 listings per month FREE OF FEES ! So what happened to that ???? I can list only ten items, let alone get to the 31st item to pay the listing fee for !!!! THIS IS FALSE ADVERTISING ! ebay just turns around and says "no"; I actually have to contact ebay on 30. January to appeal and get at least the limit of the first 30 listings free! WHAT KIND OF CON IS EBAY RUNNING HERE ????
on โ04-01-2013 04:31 PM
I was stuck that 10 limit once and there was some link on the page ( that shows listing count ) where you could apply for a listing limit increase. The only downside to the 30 free listings is that within months you can become a Power Seller and therefore disqualified from getting any more free listings. Cheeky.
on โ04-01-2013 04:35 PM
So according to you, the way to do business is to lose the goods and the 'payment' !? Unless you personally have put protection for yourself in place, paypal is NOT going to do that for you. I have learnt that the hard way with considerable losses.
on โ04-01-2013 04:45 PM
There are perfectly good rules in place to protect buyers and sellers
You dont need to try and use a silly tos which you cant enforce
on โ04-01-2013 04:47 PM
There are tens of thousands people who have a gmail, hotmail, etc address with their proper paypal accounts; so anyone could hijack these as well and open an account
Wrong again. Those accounts are registered to the relevant people and linked to their Paypal accounts. Paypal won't allow them to be reused. Besides they send confirmation emails which must be replied to to activate the account. A bit hard if you don't have access to the email. And if somebody used one of them, as k1ooo said, the money would go to the account owner, not the hijacker.
So according to you, the way to do business is to lose the goods and the 'payment' !?
I've never lost either. Must be doing something right. Regardless. the way to do it is not to make up your own rules as you go along.
on โ04-01-2013 04:52 PM
eBay gives 30 free listings to eligible sellers. To be eligible for 30, you have be able to list 30, which you are not, and the way you are going I doubt eBay will be lifting your limits any time soon.
Go to your My eBay > ALL SELLING > the limits of how many free listings you have left & overall limits are there. One of the info is on the top, the other right down on the bottom (forgot which is where).
By the way, it is an utter nonsense that it takes 3 weeks for money to go from PP account to your bank; mine goes there usually within 3 days, 5 at the most. Actually, the only time money transfer took anything like weeks, was when I was transferring $100 000 from my Paris bank account to Australian account.
Anyway, not that it should be an issue, once money is in YOUR PP account, it is yours and you suppose to post. What you do with the money afterwards is your problem. And as others pointed out, if the item is not received or is SNAD, PP will get the money from you one way or another; through debt collector with all the additional costs if necessary.
on โ04-01-2013 04:56 PM
im not sure im going to sort it out soon im just enjoying what i can sell now
on โ04-01-2013 05:00 PM
i am also on 10 a month limit it doesnt worry me too much but i hope one day it gets more
You should be able to click on the link that comes up when you are listing. It used to pop up every time I tried to list and tell me if I wanted to lift my limit to click there. I used to ignore it, as i did not need more on that account, and thought I will have to jump through hoops; but all what happened was I just got message "your limit has been increased". ๐ฎ
on โ04-01-2013 05:22 PM
Super nova....
it CAN take weeks to go from a PayPal Account to an Australian bank account. Don't you remember Black Sunday in April last year ?
'Normally' yes it's 3 business days max.
on โ04-01-2013 05:44 PM
I can't see your restrictions being lifted any time soon after reading the following listing:
and I don't think many buyers would be too happy to have to read your me page when all the information related to the sale should be in the listing.
In that listing you are telling potential buyers how much to bid and you are not selling any banknotes.
on โ04-01-2013 06:16 PM
Super nova....
it CAN take weeks to go from a PayPal Account to an Australian bank account. Don't you remember Black Sunday in April last year ?
'Normally' yes it's 3 business days max.
No actually I do not, I remember vaguely there were some computer glitches with banks? I probably was not around here very often then; i only hang around here when my health is preventing me doing other things, and I only transfer my money to my bank once in a while, usually once a months. ๐
Anyway, you cannot base the way you deal with buyers on one mess-up.