on 23-05-2013 09:01 PM
on 25-05-2013 03:28 PM
OMG! Seriously?
Digital Ghost would have to be one of the most time generous and informative posters on these boards! The help and advice she has given to so many people (including myself) has been invaluable!
They provide a factual unbiased view, and more often than not present a situation from many different aspects, to help people understand a situation.
The depth of the knowledge that this seller has is incredible, factual, extensively researched and well written. They show an incredible amount of patience, especially with new sellers, I know of many whom they have helped to get a grasp on things.
And as for Davewil - another magnificent seller - one who really goes the extra mile for his customers, sourcing what is often the seemingly unsourceable for incredibly reasonable prices.
And as for this seller's kindness and generosity towards helping sellers get a grasp on things - even direct competitors - it would be equally hard to surpass them also.
Between the two of these sellers, my guess is that they have forgotten more than many ever knew in the first place.
on 25-05-2013 03:58 PM
Thank you for the very kind words.
on 25-05-2013 04:18 PM
Thanks for that, crikey.
I do my best.
on 25-05-2013 07:30 PM
You are nuts, seriously, digital?? arnl?? foxy ?? gotta?? Can't make the others out.
You are just listing anyone who has dared to disagree with you and I for one saw a totally unprovoked attack on gottabecareful by you that wasn't even relevant to the thread.
Foxette came in later and admonished you for it, but loh and behold that thread is now gone.
Looking for trolls - I would say we have found one X-( or two
movie_models and thirdworldsweatshop
on 25-05-2013 08:16 PM
digital I wasn't referring to you, you generally give advice in a pleasant manner unlike some.
on 25-05-2013 08:51 PM
digital I wasn't referring to you, you generally give advice in a pleasant manner unlike some.
I hope you don't think I was trying to have a go at you, because I genuinely wasn't.
I wasn't actually trying to defend myself, either, as I know I have my failings :8} , more the forum in general, because I feel that there are a lot of people who participate here who make an effort to help, and are always polite and respectful, and their contributions are always worthwhile to me. I'm sure some things could be improved with more pleasantries, but I was just trying to give a nod to all the posters that are here regularly that couldn't possibly be accused of anything other than exemplary behaviour, as it were.
Thank you, also, to *stuff*books* for your comments; I am very humbled and grateful to those who have spoken in my defence.
on 25-05-2013 10:10 PM
I ran a poll earlier this week and 77% of eBay sellers have reported a bad month.
Even bricks and mortar sales are down - just look at your local Westfield and count the number of empty shops.
i have just returned home after 3 weeks in USA, UK and Europe and let me tell you based on what I have seen things could (and almost certainly will) get a lot worse down under.
Things are turning to crap quickly in this digital age.
i think the only thing we can do is work harder for less until things improve. I'm not going to just give up and walk away, but look for opportunities where they exist.
on 25-05-2013 10:22 PM
is it possible that people just aren't spending anywhere atm, because they know that all of the end of financial year sales and mid year sales are about to start?
My guess is (and it is an uneducated one) that at this time of year people are only buying the bare essentials, maybe getting ready for winter, so for some, costs of new warm clothing might be on the agenda, especially if they have kids who have outgrown last years things.
on 25-05-2013 10:30 PM
Yeah sales definitely down. My problem is mostly USA/China sellers now selling their products on eBay Australia and having 'Ships from Australia', but hidden in the description 'Ships from America/China/etc'. Buyers buy from them because it's cheaper, and sadly It's impossible for me to compete with overseas prices when the products come from over there.
on 25-05-2013 10:39 PM
Movie_models, don't bring my name into your little "troll tirade".
The only comment I have ever made to you, was yesterday saying you'd be unlikely to get new buyers with your attitude on the boards recently. Derogatory? No. Just honest, and only my opinion.
Stop being a brat.