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why am i banned indefinetly from selling on ebay

I recently moved house and I unfortunately was unable to send 5 items to customers as they were still in transit.  I apologised to the customers and provided refunds. I have been an ebay customer since 2013 and had no problems before and have had no negative feedback from buyers. Yet ebay have no said I can no longer sell with them indefinetly. Has anyone else had this issue?  Customer service was diabolical. I asked for a review  and they would not provide detailed explanation and in fact were quite rude.  How do you actially make an officail complaint or is this not possible?.


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Re: why am i banned indefinetly from selling on ebay

@maranock wrote:

I realise that you don't want to continue with thread but please bear with us. If you answere questions put to you, such as the one just posed by Digital, there is a chance we can use the information to help others in the futrue with that knowledge. We are not ganging up on you.

Just to add - most of us would actually be on your (the seller's) side in many cases, and I know I don't like seeing a member barred for having a rough patch. Just speaking for myself, I was asking questions because you stated that eBay didn't give you a reason for the suspension, so if nothing else, determining the circumstances leading up to the suspension will either A) confirm the reason, and that ebay acted in accordance with their site policies, which in turn confirms there's nothing that can be done about it, or B) not confirm the reason, and possibly give you something to dispute.


For example, I know of one seller who had their account reinstated (yes, sadly, only one so far), and it was because they received a high number of defects in a short amount of time, but all from the same buyer and same transaction (the buyer had purchased multiple items). eBay is not supposed to treat multiple defects from a single buyer / transaction separately when it comes to the overall percentage, so the seller was able to argue the point.


Information is key to actually getting help rather than "was it this, or maybe that, because usually that's what causes it" and then interpreting such replies is as the poster agreeing with it happening. ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

Message 21 of 30
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Re: why am i banned indefinetly from selling on ebay

@mays_au2013 wrote:

I actually put on my listings that I wouldnt be able to post until a set date (ie after I moved) but buyers seem to have ignored this. yet I still get penalised because I didnt post the item within 2 days.

Why would you only have a two day postage time selected?  I have ten days on mine but mostly post in one day.  The reason I do this is to have a buffer zone, in case the car breaks down, the computer breaks down, I go to hospital, or any other unexpected glitch. I believe in Murphy's law "whatever can go wrong, will go wrong"  There are also much longer options than the ten days I have chosen.

Message 22 of 30
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Re: why am i banned indefinetly from selling on ebay

I'm happy for that seller digi,they were able to sell again.

My circumstances were very similar to that seller but I received within a 2-3 week period when the money back guarantee was in force defects from 15 different buyers hence why I tried so darn hard to argue with ebay that this looked mighty fishy don't you think but like OP I was banished,I had 100% feedback never had any cases opened against me from these defects just shut down with the reply from ebay that I didn't provided the buyers with a safe buying environment that was it.

OP I fought with ebay for over 2 years to no avail,once you're are banned it's for life and like another poster has said it means that your whole household is banned as well Woman Sad

Message 23 of 30
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Re: why am i banned indefinetly from selling on ebay

The only thing you or other banned members can do is probably find a business partner (maybe a friend) who opens a new account in their name, and those who have been banned could for example go to the post office and perform other tasks.

However, I think there should be absolute clarity about what happened so that a potential business partner can take their own decision whether they want to work with you or not. Just explain your point, that you don't think you deserved that etc. etc.


Message 24 of 30
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Re: why am i banned indefinetly from selling on ebay

You have moved house. I will assume you have regular internet via aDSL2 or NBN. Moving house allocates you a new IP address. One method of banning on eBay is IP address. Create a new email address using hotmail or yahoo or gmail and create a new account. If someone else in the house has a mobile phone, use that number to phone verify your account. Use someone else's name when creating the account.


You will then have a new name, a new address, a new phone number and a new IP address. As far as the eBay bots go, you are a new person. Use your new email address to create a new PayPal account. Yes, it means starting from 0 feedback, but if you want to sell again, it's your only option.


Most importantly, don't get caught!

Message 25 of 30
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Re: why am i banned indefinetly from selling on ebay

Good advice tippy don't get caught Woman Wink

Message 26 of 30
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Re: why am i banned indefinetly from selling on ebay

@mays_au2013 wrote:

I recently moved house and I unfortunately was unable to send 5 items to customers as they were still in transit.  I apologised to the customers and provided refunds. I have been an ebay customer since 2013 and had no problems before and have had no negative feedback from buyers. Yet ebay have no said I can no longer sell with them indefinetly. Has anyone else had this issue?  Customer service was diabolical. I asked for a review  and they would not provide detailed explanation and in fact were quite rude.  How do you actially make an officail complaint or is this not possible?.


How exactly did you go about issuing these refunds?

Did you cancel the 5x transactions?

If so, what reason did you choose when doing the cancellation? This is critical info.

If you chose the "out of stock" option 5 times then that would be 5 instant defects of the very worst kind.

Very likely enough for ebay to suspend your account.

Message 27 of 30
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Re: why am i banned indefinetly from selling on ebay

To add to my earlier post, if you are moving again, or can't post for X amount of time, either increase your handling time, or end your listings. A couple of years ago I knew I was going to be away from home more than I'd be at home (illness in the family), so the better option was to end all my listings a week before I had to go away. That way I knew everything would be posted before I left.


I did have one person open a dispute while I was away for INR, but I was able to deal with that via the app (the item showed as delivered, so eBay found in my favour). I know it sucks having to end everything and relist it, but sometimes that's the best option. 


If you do take my original advice, don't make the same mistake again!

Message 28 of 30
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Re: why am i banned indefinetly from selling on ebay



I agree - I moved home myself about 2 weeks ago. I closed up my shop 5 days prior to the move and made sure that everything that had been ordered up to that date was posted out. I then only opened my shop about 4 days after the move as it was a lot more chaotic that anticipated.

Message 29 of 30
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Re: why am i banned indefinetly from selling on ebay

Yep getting eBay car to understand your side of the story is hard and most of the time repaid back with generic responses. I went on a road trip earlier this year for 10 days and I changed all my postage processing time to 15 days to give myself some leeway as well as well as adding a holiday note. Sales seems to be the same and still got those customers but I always reminded them that the delivery date should of been shown to be much later as I was on holidays all all of them seemed to understand. I would of only been vulnerable to negatives which I think eBay does not take into account in comparison to dsrโ€™s anymore.
Message 30 of 30
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