why sellers on ebay do not create their own association to protect and promote their rights?

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why sellers on ebay do not create their own association to protect and promote their rights?

1.We know that we need ebay and ebay buyers and we promote the mutual benefits
2. . We encourage the discussions, understanding and cooperation with ebay and ebay buyers and do not provoke them!
3. We do not ask for things which not only ebay but even our society is not ready to accept!
4, We do not say, now or never, everything or nothing, yours or ours!

1. We start from the easy to the difficult
2. We start from the simple to the complex
3. We start from what we can do to what we should do.
4. We start from the most common to the special problems
5 We start from what unite us to the personal
6 We do small steps, controlled steps
7. We know when to start and where to stop,


9.We (ebay sellers) are weak but not idiots! we know the strength from our unity and we promote it to the maximum!
10.We know that words have less value than the acts, that the facts have more value than the theories, we see the things with their real value and strength.
11.We never start a fight when we are not well prepared for it and reasonable sure that we will win it!
12.We always prepare for fight but we try hard to avoid it.!

Message 21 of 34
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why sellers on ebay do not create their own association to protect and promote their rights?

you are honest!

Message 22 of 34
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why sellers on ebay do not create their own association to protect and promote their rights?

It is wrong if any dirty, bad ebay seller thinks that if we create our association it will support him!
In really in the past I tried to report a seller to Federal Police but I was not able to give them the information they wanted. Unfortunately I failed to take this information from ebay.
From the very begin we have to inform ANY BAD ebay seller that they are not welcome in ebay sellers association, if we create it, and that this association will cooperate closely with buyers, ebay and police against them!
We want, ONLY honest, fair, responsible, mature sellers as members, not bad, dishonest one!

Message 23 of 34
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why sellers on ebay do not create their own association to protect and promote their rights?

@antonios7529 wrote:

Ebay forum does not give me the chance to correct my type mistakes and does not give me the chance to edit, correct my posts. Only one time I had this opportunity and no more!
I can not understand the ebay.



Not sure which shower you came down in.


Always a good idea to read what you have typed in the first instance (given you are able to edit).


You cannot understand the ebay (eBay).


Enough said really.


Robot Frustrated

Message 24 of 34
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why sellers on ebay do not create their own association to protect and promote their rights?

@antonios7529 wrote:

A big, very big company with so many top programmers has left its forum with an ancient, non user friendly program.
Later I will write for the main ebay program and how it creates problems to ebay sellers.



If you are capable of the above.




'Later I will write for the main program and how it creates problems to ebay sellers'.




WHY ( not shouting ) do you not create another platform entirely for sellers.


By the way this topic should not be at the top - more important topics such as PP should take precedence at this point in time.


Robot Frustrated

Message 25 of 34
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why sellers on ebay do not create their own association to protect and promote their rights?

Is this guy for real.


Certainly got a 'bee' in his bonnet.


Lots & lots of words, very little action, methinks.


Robot Frustrated

Message 26 of 34
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why sellers on ebay do not create their own association to protect and promote their rights?

If we want to create ebay sellers association we will need at least 5-7 ebay sellers who will create a temporary committee which will prepare everything needed by law to created, register the association.
There is plenty information online from government or other websites how to create an association and it costs, it is not expensive!.
While the creation of an association is easy, it is not easy to find the right persons for the temporary committee which will create the association and it is not easy to find the 30-40 members which are needed for a good start.
The creators of our associations HAVE to be honest sellers, fair sellers, have a good history in ebay, a clean, good name in our society, no fraud, no drugs or any other criminal or unsocial behavior!
We prefer they come from different states, sell different products and about half of them are women!
We do not want new members of ebay as our core team, because we do not know who they are , if they are good sellers or if even they are ebay sellers!
We want mature, responsible, honest, open mind, sellers for our top team We want from them to count their steps, control their mouth, think for the consequences of their acts and understand that we have to work as a team, to support or the protect the team. The team comes first and after the personal interests. Every one member of our top team should know that we will not allow anyone from the top to the bottom to use our association for privileges and personal benefits. There are many associations, some of the them big which started with holy intensions to serve their members, to serve our community and at the and they serve a small number of members, the top, and they act like family business. We have to be very careful from the very begin to avoid this kind of problems.
There are some sellers, some people who do not know how the system works, who wants the moon into their plate, who wants so many things in so little time, we have to blog them from our top team and control them. NO EXTREMISTS in our association, no provocateurs !
We know our problems, the question is how to solve them, how to create an association which could protect and promote our benefits, our rights.
If you ask me why there is no ebay sellers association, in Australia or overseas I will tell you BECAUSE IT IS NOT EASY!
Letโ€™s start our first, small, controlled steps, AS IN MINEFIELD, to create our association.

Message 27 of 34
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why sellers on ebay do not create their own association to protect and promote their rights?

@crusader-rabbit48 wrote:

Is this guy for real.


Certainly got a 'bee' in his bonnet.


Lots & lots of words, very little action, methinks.


Robot Frustrated

Oh so many words...........


and narry a clue, still he's happy, let's see what he comes up with Smiley Wink


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 28 of 34
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why sellers on ebay do not create their own association to protect and promote their rights?

I understand sellers fear.
I supposed some people scared even from their own shadow!
I do not know if ostriches or sellers use the best way to control their fear but there are big similarities between them!
If sellers fear so much is not it like they encourage others to use them?

Fear is helpful, it protect us, but excessive fear paralise us!

Message 29 of 34
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why sellers on ebay do not create their own association to protect and promote their rights?

He's going to rule the world.


One little step at a time - SMERSH


Max Smart.gif

Message 30 of 34
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