on 22-12-2012 11:39 PM
okay so on the odd occassion I get asked questions re items im selling and the person signs off with xoxo, or calls me hello love or darling..........bit much isn't it? Tis the season I suppose, but sometimes it's not the season......LOL
on 23-12-2012 08:06 AM
You know what I'm sick of LOL and all other acronyms.
on 23-12-2012 08:12 AM
You know what I'm sick of LOL and all other acronyms.
heee hee my ex-son in law has just opened a sweet shop called
LOL : )
Lots of Lollies with the : ) like the old smiley face on the window!!!!
on 23-12-2012 08:46 AM
Sending OX to total strangers is creepy, but I wonder if it is just something people nowadays sign off with, without really thinking what these symbols mean. I sign off all my messages to my daughter with Love you ......... (my name) and xxxxx
The other day I wrote message to my daughter, then to male acquintence, and signed off in his message the same as to my daughter. OOOPS!!!!!! Wonder what he thought of it, but he did not mention anything, and I have since signed all my messages to him my usual considerably more formal way.
on 23-12-2012 08:51 AM
I don't care what they call me as long as they buy the thing they are asking about and pay me after doing so. 😉
If people want me to think they are numpties who am I to disabuse them :^O
on 23-12-2012 08:53 AM
on 23-12-2012 12:25 PM
Don't worry OP - not everyone loves you.
on 23-12-2012 01:26 PM
Face it - you're a Grinch.
on 23-12-2012 06:39 PM
It is very hard now with all this proper behaviour thing going about. Once it was proper to give a lady your seat on the bus. Now its a free for all. Once it was proper to wait for ladies to go through doors first if they were automatic or you would hold the door open to allow the lady through. I did that last week and it has now changed my outlook on things, the lady involved told me that she was capable of opening the door herself thank you very much in a rather unpleasant tone. Sad times indeed.
on 23-12-2012 10:20 PM
ratman, it's a complicated topic... You had good intentions so that's what counts.
on 23-12-2012 10:36 PM
Ratman...just interested...was the rude lady in the younger age group?
My 70 year old husband has always held doors for women and has been saying for years that he is tempted to not do it for anyone under about 45 as they usually abuse him as you were abused.
I am often amused at the looks a the faces of the elderly men who hold doors for me...they look quite stunned when I thank them very much. I am much more used to the younger generation of males almost knocking me over to get through the door first.
And just for the record...I do not appreciate being called darl or love or any other term of endearment by someone young enough to be my daughter.