on 22-12-2012 11:39 PM
okay so on the odd occassion I get asked questions re items im selling and the person signs off with xoxo, or calls me hello love or darling..........bit much isn't it? Tis the season I suppose, but sometimes it's not the season......LOL
on 23-12-2012 11:02 PM
Oh dear. Ratman if you had opened a door for me I would have been grateful. Not because I can't open a door but because it is courteous! Don't change!
on 23-12-2012 11:18 PM
I open doors for even Gen Y, both sexes, if it makes sense. And usually get thanked.
Maybe you need to move to the nation's capital and find out that we're real people here. Not politicians, a quarter of whom come from NSW and about 80% of them from Sydney. They are the ones who run the country regardless of the figurehead nominally in charge.
on 24-12-2012 07:40 AM
Contrary to popular belief hereabouts I am definitely female, and also elderly, and I automatically hold doors open for anyone coming through behind me or for somebody approaching from the other side if I get there first. I also say thank you to anyone who does the same for me.
I have never had a bloke tell me off for doing it :^O
Of course I don't believe in all this sex equality nonsense, I never expect men to become the superior sex :^O:^O
on 24-12-2012 09:35 AM
Contrary to popular belief hereabouts I am definitely female, and also elderly, and I automatically hold doors open for anyone coming through behind me or for somebody approaching from the other side if I get there first. I also say thank you to anyone who does the same for me.
I am also female and I also do that, I also help anybody who is juggling baby, shopping bags and trying to find their car keys, or has a problem opening their car while holding large parcel, regardless of sex. I have never been abused, on the contrary people are always very thankful. I am thankful if somebody helps me. 🙂
However, if somebody would hold doors open for me and call me love or darl, while I would still thank them, it would be through clenched teeth LOL
on 24-12-2012 12:16 PM
Don't change ratman, common courtesy should be practised by all. One rude nasty person can completely sour one's day.
Good for you and all the other courteous people out there.
on 24-12-2012 12:27 PM
love or darl
If you think those are bad you should here what passes for 'friendly' in't North of England!
Marra, mocka, chuck, hinny, lass and a lot more my memory would much rather not recall 😉
on 24-12-2012 12:52 PM
Hinny!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL 😮
have no idea what the others mean; maybe just as well 🙂
on 24-12-2012 12:53 PM
A complaint we heard from a friend who works in the Supermarket. My hubby explained to her that the words mean a compliment.
Love = you are a lovely person
Darl = you are a darling for doing this for me.
Sweetheart = you are a sweet person with a good heart.
Short words for a sentence, like LOL. :^O
Ratman, you should have told her that you are being courteous, but if she did not apreciate courtesy, she can go back out and you'll slam the door behind you. Hopefully her nose will not be too close.
I can't stand badly behaved people and rather be called Love, Dear, Darl and Sweety than anything else that could be thrown at an old chook like me. 😉
on 24-12-2012 12:56 PM
My dad (retired professional person) calls all women love & he is an absolute gentleman from 'the old' school ' of manners.I know he would be absolutely mortified to think anyone considered that insulting especially when its used in the genuinely lovely,caring & pleasant tone of voice my dad uses- in no way is it it condescending or rude or anything else derogatory.:-(
on 24-12-2012 02:21 PM
love or darl
If you think those are bad you should here what passes for 'friendly' in't North of England!
Marra, mocka, chuck, hinny, lass and a lot more my memory would much rather not recall 😉
i heard my name