on 29-07-2013 11:38 AM
We have old super 8 movies of my mum and family (she recently died) and we want to get them done before they disintegrate.
My husband wants to convert the super 8 movies to dvd... but its very expensive to do. Also looking into buying the equipment ourselves. They cost up from $1000 to $5000, the ones I have seen... dont know if its worth it.
Is it worth it to spend up to thousand(s) to have someone else do it... or buy the equipment ourselves and then resell when we are finished?
Had anyone here bought the equipment from USA?
Suggestions and opinions appreciated as we are just unsure at this point what to do.
on 29-07-2013 03:26 PM
UHM Beani.
on 29-07-2013 05:21 PM
on 31-07-2013 05:11 PM
on 31-07-2013 05:12 PM
on 31-07-2013 10:29 PM
Hi Beani, I actually do this as a business. I do conversion of - video to dvd, 8mm film to dvd, slides/photos/negatives to digital image, LPs and cassettes to CD and photo restoration. I've been doing this for 8 years now.
You could do it yourself, however there would be an outlay to start with - need the special projection screen and a very good camera. You'd have to weigh up the costs. I charge $7.50 per 50 foot reel (that's the 3" diameter small reel).
Drop me a message if you'd like further information.
Best wishes
on 01-08-2013 01:27 PM
Hi Carla
I sent Beani a message with a link to you a few days ago as I wasn't sure if you'd see this thread. I hope she gets in touch with you.
on 01-08-2013 10:26 PM
Thanks Mon 🙂
on 03-08-2013 05:53 PM
on 03-08-2013 05:56 PM