Book Fairs, Library Sales - Dates & Times

Let's continue the great thread from the 'old' boards and share information about Library Sales, Book Fairs
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Book Fairs, Library Sales - Dates & Times

For Victorians from Melbourne's west to the wetsern district.

Geelong Book Fair at the Geelong West Town Hall, August 19 to 21.
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Book Fairs, Library Sales - Dates & Times

A school fete this time, in NSW.

Hunters Hill Public School Spring Fete
Alexandra Street. Hunters Hill. 2110

For everyoneโ€™s enjoyment there will be student performances, fairground rides, raffles, lots of games and stalls plus the ever-popular Amity Cafรฉ, Kittyโ€™s Kitchen and Gourmet BBQ.
Our legendary secondhand stalls will be located in the school hall. These include secondhand adults and kids clothing, books, dvds, bric-a-brac, toys and jewellery. Hope to see you there for a great fun family day out.
Message 902 of 1,392
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Book Fairs, Library Sales - Dates & Times

Melbourne this time.

Friends of Altona Libraries Book Sales 2011

Tuesday Book Sales
First Tuesday of the month
9.30am to 1.00pm

Friday Book Sales
First Friday of the month
10.00am to 2.00pm

Saturday Book Sales
First Saturday of the month
10.00am to 1.00pm

Big Book Sale
Friday, 7th October
9.30am to 6.00pm


Saturday, 8th October
10.00am to 1.00pm
Message 903 of 1,392
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Book Fairs, Library Sales - Dates & Times

Melbourne again.

City of Darebin Library book sales, 2 remaining for this year. Missed one for yesterday, sorry!

Reservoir Scout Hall
Leamington St
Saturday November 5th 10am to 3pm.

Northcote Scout Hall
5 Ethel St
Saturday October 15th 10am to 3pm.
Message 904 of 1,392
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Book Fairs, Library Sales - Dates & Times

South Australians this time. At Flinders Uni.

What: Thousands of books (including superseded textbooks) on sale

When: Tuesday and Wednesday 9-10th August, 9am to 5pm

Where: Noel Stockdale Room, Central Library entry level 1

Cost: $2 cash only
Message 905 of 1,392
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Book Fairs, Library Sales - Dates & Times

Here's one for Pete & others in the ACT. It's in Narrabundah.

Goyder Street Library Book Sale & Fete 2011
Saturday 22 October 11 โ€“ 3pm

Visit our stalls to buy some terrific bargain-priced books and to meet our volunteers.

You will find something of interest in our selection of duplicate books and magazines โ€“ fiction, non fiction, biographies and books for young readers.

We hope to have a White Elephant Stall and activities on the oval for children.

We will be very happy to receive donations towards our fete from the beginning of September.
Message 906 of 1,392
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Book Fairs, Library Sales - Dates & Times

Queensland's turn.

Bag a bargain at the Arana Hills Friends of the Library Book Sale! A huge range of second-hand books, magazines and more for adults and juniors - all from 10c each!

So grab a box or a bag and donโ€™t forget to buy a sausage from the sausage sizzle to support the Arana Hills FOLs.
October 29th, 9am to 12pm, at the library.
Message 907 of 1,392
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Book Fairs, Library Sales - Dates & Times

Queensland again.

Cairns Libraries 3 day book sale.
12th to 14th August 9am to 5pm.
Fred Moule Pavilion, Cairns Showground.
Books for all ages, including all types of library books, will be on sale at bargain prices.

EFTPOS available
Sausage sizzle and drinks on sale
Win one of 100 double-passes to โ€œJane Ayreโ€ (coming to cinemas from 11 August)
Message 908 of 1,392
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Book Fairs, Library Sales - Dates & Times

Last one for the night & it's Melbourne again.


Come to the Giant Quarterly Book Sale

Sunday 21st August, 1pm to 4pm

Phyllis Hore Room beside the Kew Library

Thousands of decommissioned titles from the five Boroondara libraries.

A wide selection of titles ranging non fiction including: travel guides, biographies, self help, history, business and psychology books to fiction including adult, teenage and children's titles will be on sale.

Adult fiction and non fiction $1,( unless specially marked), and children's books 3 for $1

Profits aid the Kew Historical Society and the Boroondara Library Service.

NB if you cannot make this sale the final sale for the year will be Sunday 20th November.
Message 909 of 1,392
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Book Fairs, Library Sales - Dates & Times

Here's one for Pete & others in the ACT. It's in Narrabundah.

Goyder Street Library Book Sale & Fete 2011
Saturday 22 October 11 โ€“ 3pm

Visit our stalls to buy some terrific bargain-priced books and to meet our volunteers.

You will find something of interest in our selection of duplicate books and magazines โ€“ fiction, non fiction, biographies and books for young readers.

Thanks, sqauki.

I forgot to mention the bimonthly YMCA garage sale yesterday.
We hope to have a White Elephant Stall and activities on the oval for children.

We will be very happy to receive donations towards our fete from the beginning of September.
Call some place paradise, kiss it goodbye - Don Henley
Message 910 of 1,392
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