on 17-10-2012 04:08 PM
Hi Bookies,
I've been procrastinating over what to do price-wise and selling-wise with the following very old book and hope you have some good ideas...
"Several sermons: chiefly upon practical subjects, many of which were preached before Her present Majesty, when Princess of Wales: by her chaplain in ordinary, the late Reverend Nicolas Brady, D.D., rector of Clapham, and minister of Richmond in Surrey". Hardcover (cloth; stained, and front cover falling off), faded gilt on spine, contents published 1730, just the 2nd from a 3 volume set.
Presumably the Princess referred to was Caroline, the wife of PoW who became George II.
I can only find Print on Demand versions available commercially; any other copies are in libraries.
on 17-10-2012 10:19 PM
if the book is not taking up much room I would leave it a while till you do find another copy online to hazzard a guess as to the value.
Personally I looked and found similar information what you could find - print on demand and libraies
on 18-10-2012 03:03 PM
Thanks Dave, you've prompted me to set up an alert in Mr Lincoln.
I'm conscious of the truism that just being old does not necessarily make it either valuable or desirable. Cath
on 18-10-2012 10:51 PM
Very true Cath.Supply and demand is the only variables that really defines whether a book is valuable and that goes for any article
I have several of these types of books - ones I cannot find any information on as to value put away maybe one day I will find out
on 19-10-2012 03:19 PM
I would look at prices on similar books from the same era esp when you have only a single book -you might never see another listed
esp as that was back in the day when I am pretty sure the books were often sold unbound and the buyer arranged to have them bound him/her self
I know some people just like to have a really really old book on their shelf
on 25-10-2012 12:59 AM
Why not place list the book with a very high value with an option to make an offer , and allow others to tell you what the book is worth to them - that way you still have an option to proceed witht he sale or decline if you think the offer is too low - just a thought!
on 01-11-2012 05:53 PM
hello all not to put a damper on things but just because it is 1730
wont make it valuable
my mother inlaw had an set printed in 1800 yet was only worth 30 dollars
she was told that with moving type books became popular
so best bet take to a reputable antique book or an auction house
ask for a price then times it by 3 as they always give 1/3 price .
same for comics just because its old doesn't make it valuable.
only rarity makes it worth anything
that is why action comics no1 is nearly 1.2 million
only 4 know issues
on 01-11-2012 08:25 PM
on 01-11-2012 11:35 PM
I'm trying to fathom why someone in a post would declare just because something is old doesn't make it valuable.Then proceed to give an example of a comic that is indeed old and valuable 😐
I am also trying to work out what this has to do with the op's book which is a completely different ball game to comics
on 20-11-2012 08:42 PM
I'm interested in Mr Lincoln, but could find nothing online about this service/company. Can you elaborate?