70% of active listings not showing in search result

It is been a nightmare for the last half a year with ebay. It all stareted back in May 2020 when I first noticed a few of my listings are not coming up in a search result. Contacted ebay and since that time it did not go anywhere. I kept contacting ebay and nothing happened. Over time more and more listings just dissapered from the search result, now it is about 70% of total listings are not searchable. There are 472 active listings in my back office and only 132 are showing up as item for sale on eaby and even worse at ebay store - 41 results. I spent hours on the chart with ebay with no result and it seems no one realy cares. It always the same - we will lodge a ticket with technical team. My sales dropped to a few per week which is not worths the game. I am stuck and have no idea where to from now. Did anyone has the same issue? Any suggestion will be very much appreciated.

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70% of active listings not showing in search result

how are you listing???   It a know issue.   A quick google search will point you to a soution to it.   But it may take you a while to set it up.   Bring your listings into the inventory section and list via there.    This seems to stop the issue above also you can filter the listings easier to find any that are playing up by not re listing right and kick start them back up by a click.   

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70% of active listings not showing in search result

I am not listing via ebay but througth a third party ecommerce platform which manages the website and a few other marketplaces including ebay. Serched google for the problem but found no real solution yet.

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70% of active listings not showing in search result

I have been listing on ebay for several years but am not tech savvy. I have no idea how to do the 'inventory' process but when I google the problem it seems to come up with the answer that ebay favours power sellers and those that bring in the big bucks. So should I give up on anyone finding my listings? Because they are definitely not coming up in search. Even overseas ones are suggested but mine are not there at all! It's very frustrating.....

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70% of active listings not showing in search result

I checked the first few of your listings and they came up.


Are you looking in the correct category?


Inventory is in Seller Hub, if you are subscribed to Selling Manager Pro (free with stores), in the 'Listings' section. You create your listings as templates there. It is 20 max per product and you're limited to about 400 templates, but they don't generally fall off, unlike drafts.

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70% of active listings not showing in search result

I have two ebay accounts and the one that is NOT a store is the one where I'm having trouble with the search. My other account is smooth-moves and if you google one of the books I'm selling there, called The Honour of the House, I wonder if it comes up for you?

Message 6 of 10
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70% of active listings not showing in search result

Nothing under that ID for that book.

Message 7 of 10
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70% of active listings not showing in search result

I see 1 (in Vic)
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70% of active listings not showing in search result

Exact same situation and approx time frames here. Presently NONE showing In my store, NEVER all the ones I list showing and 90% of the time nothing has shown in search ... or like yesterdays listings IMMED showed in search & store .. to not be there at all in search OR store today...

I have tried to contact Ebay to the point of tears with this insane follow the links to contact us  for help ... that each time has NO way to contact and leads to another link doing the same ...

Literally no way to contact, no way to get help and no way to self sort some clear tech issue in their system ...

Message 9 of 10
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70% of active listings not showing in search result

You can contact eBay via chat. The call centre is closed due to COVID.


You have 8 listings showing. How many should there be? Also note that Friday is maintenance day and things tend to go agley.


Judging by your feedback received, some people must be able to find your listings.

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