Scammer anyone else taken with eBays support ?

Not applicable

The SCAM. Win a bid pay for it on PayPal immediately, the day after a PART that P A R T  

C R E D I T materialised no full credit P A R T C R E D I T and the seller and eBay laugh in your face as $ protection is no longer provided on eBay purchases through PayPal.  Says it all ! Money for nothing from eBay buyer suckers! Bought a genuine leather handbag from seller, the following day a part credit was provided from a 38.00 win and 10.00 postage all up 48.00 the following day a $ 27 credit was evident however $21 remained and continues to remain outstanding. The seller admitted to never sending the bag, stating “I” gave you a credit, the eBay screen postage screen supports purchase was never sent as does emails, Seller states “eBay gave the credit stop harassing me go to eBay. Then gave me the name of a colleague if I still wanted to buy a bag ? What for more scamming? Last message stated eBay contacted her ‘NOT ME’ zero contact from eBay said eBay credited me! Nothing from eBay since!! As a pensioner $21 remains in the seller or eBay bank ?

I have well over 500 purchases and want out, HOW OFTEN DOES THIS SCAM WORK with according to the seller as supported by eBay ? it’s the good sellers who loose out based eBays juggernauting bad reputation. PayPal no longer honour eBay claims wonder why, too many supported scammers ! 
This is disgusting and according to the seller eBay supported. Is it an eBay marketing scam to get buyers signing up to eBay protection insurance ? Be careful buying from eBay, I am disabled unable to shop it’s Amazon for me, precluded from using eBay now, not donating $21 or more at whim for any future winning bid on eBay for zero, zip, zilch purchase! Very sad!

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Re: Scammer anyone else taken with eBays support ?

Community Member

On your part,i read a few lines.


Let it go and let it be,


Quiten your mind,


let sleeping dogs lie.

Message 2 of 8
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Re: Scammer anyone else taken with eBays support ?

My head hurts.


Kudos to anyone who can decipher this word salad.

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Re: Scammer anyone else taken with eBays support ?

Whilst barely understanding what you have written, I can only assume you never opened a dispute?

You've been a member since 2008, so surely you would know how to solve issues by now.


All you had to do was open a case for "Item Not Received" and since the seller never sent the bag, you would have received you money back. You can STILL open the case, so why don't you? All the tools you need are right there at your fingertips. YOU DO NOT NEED TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE SELLER.


Open case, get refund, finished.

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Re: Scammer anyone else taken with eBays support ?

Not applicable

Opened dispute zero response.

Message 5 of 8
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Re: Scammer anyone else taken with eBays support ?

Was this item available through the Global Shipping Program?



What was the item number? (Not the transaction number - the item number.)



Message 6 of 8
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Re: Scammer anyone else taken with eBays support ?

What sort of dispute did you open??  Have you followed dispute when asked??


Volunteer members here are trying to help you but you dont seem to want help, just have a rant. 

As said Item number would help.



Message 7 of 8
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Re: Scammer anyone else taken with eBays support ?

If you opened a dispute and the seller did not respond, you have to actively ask eBay to step in, otherwise the case will be closed after about a month because they think you have reached an agreement with the seller.

Don't forget to escalate the case/ask eBay to step in. It is very important.

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