on 24-06-2019 12:53 PM
some of my items are showing as 5950 kilometres away from me - my postcode is 4570 - and showing Click and Collect, which I do not offer.
on 24-06-2019 12:57 PM
The 'fake' click and collect thing has been going on a few weeks (and eBay CS were supposedly going to get tech on it......sure,sure)
It comes and goes on mine but my settings are not and never have been ticked to allow it and there is no way to remove it
I noticed a few things I was looking at yesterday (different things from different sellers) were showing some interesting distance away from me (one was a couple of suburbs away but supposedly over 700km from my postcode,which was showing correctly)
on 25-06-2019 07:52 PM
My postcode has always been off. A town 40km away ebay says is 120km. Sydney 200km away ebay says is 100km.
Now ebay says my town is 7200km away from itself.