on โ25-09-2020 07:19 PM
OK. I am having trouble with a seller and I want to be able to print out the messages between the seller and myself. There are about 5 messages each but when I go to print out the messages I only get some of the messages. I have tried 'selecting' the text and printing to no avail. I then tried to copy and paste into Word but get huge writing and only part of the messages. There must be some way that you can print out all the communication between the seller and myself. Can any body please help me.? I know that the messages are in the 'messages' section but I would like to print everything out in running order.
Thank you
on โ25-09-2020 07:23 PM
If you're using Windows they have a "snipping tool" that can be used for printing.
on โ25-09-2020 07:31 PM
Or paste them into Notepad. That strips out all the formatting, leaving you with text only.
on โ26-09-2020 10:26 AM
I am using a Mac desktop. As I said I tried copying and pasting into a Word document but everything was like in HUGE writing. Why do things have to be so difficult.
thank you anyway.
on โ26-09-2020 10:27 AM
ok I am being a dumb pensioner here. Where is Notepad please?
โ26-09-2020 10:35 AM - edited โ26-09-2020 10:38 AM
This link might help you :-
And this may help for Notepad on Mac :-
on โ26-09-2020 03:02 PM
If you want the messages for ebay to see in a dispute you do not need to print them....ebay will read them in your messages.
And you cannot post them on the boards.....you cannot post private communications between buyers and sellers.
on โ26-09-2020 03:46 PM
I realise that. I just want them for my benefit. I like to keep things for future reference. i.e. so that I don't use that particular seller in future.
on โ26-09-2020 03:52 PM
THANK YOU.... I found Text Edit and after a few 'attempts' I was able to print out the message(s) that I wanted to keep. I know a lot of people arent bothered with keeping things these days but being 'old' school' I like to have things printed out and in front of me for reference.
Once again a really BIG thank you for helping out an old bag!
on โ26-09-2020 04:11 PM
No worries, glad to be able to help you.