on 16-05-2014 05:31 PM
I've got a stupid listing violation, and there is no Customer Support available to contact ANYONE!!
on 16-05-2014 06:37 PM
Did you go to customer support => My account => My account has been restricted (or whatever)?
I just tried it for you and got this
on 16-05-2014 07:03 PM
on 16-05-2014 07:29 PM
but it's fixed now, yeah?
so all is good?
on 16-05-2014 07:49 PM
Join the club of Violators....Makes you feel dirty hey?..Let me guess...Duplicate listings...or trying to give items away...That was my last violation.
I can just see all these sellers walking past the media on channel nine news ,in cuffs, with EBAY violator on their forehead and the masses gathering around like zombies throwing eggs at us all....
I know...its not funny...I nearly smashed my monitor when I got suspended for 7 days.
I wonder if my latest and only listing is in violation as well....Probably ...lol
on 16-05-2014 09:37 PM
on 16-05-2014 10:13 PM
I hate to say it Lou, but I suspect to
eBay will probably view that as offering to trade off eBay....
on 16-05-2014 10:40 PM
on 17-05-2014 07:16 PM
No Lou. It was because I had the honesty to correct the name of a potter in my listing. I had listed it as by Stephen Salo, and subsequently found out the potter was Bill Samuels. So I headed it ' Correction not Stephen Salo......'. As I'd had watchers when it was previously listed, I wanted to ensure the correct name was up there. Collectors of Australian pottery can be particular.
This should make you laugh though. I was asked by the 'supervisor' if I had permission to list the pottery - a bit hard when you don't know where they are, or if they are still in this world.
Oh well! I cancelled the other relist 3 times listings, that I hadn't authorised, so eBay won't be getting any money out of me for the month. And I am thinking seriously about whether I will be coming back. It was fun while it lasted, but eBay seem to get some perverse pleasure taking the fun out of people's lives.
on 17-05-2014 07:33 PM
yeah well, the bots would pick that up as keyword spamming