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Why, under "my account" is there not a simple option to "Change Password", that can then send a valid email as other sites do. It shouldn't have to go through "I forgot my password", or did I miss seeing the option somewhere
Seriously how??? Signed Confused
I click on the Feedback FORUM and all I get is a lot of spiel from Ebay, where is the Forum to leave Feedback if it is part of The Ebay Community! I guess the are a lot that would like to leave feedback on Ebay,and not good either.
Got an email to change my password in eBay, which l did with no problem. When l logged into PayPal, l could not find where to go to change my PayPal password. With the latest alert to change our passwords, due to attempted hacking, l still cannot fin...
Listen to the news all. eBay has been hacked. DID THEY MENTION IT AND I MISSED IT. Where - now - are my personal details.
I put a post on Recent Ebay News some months ago but Ebay refuse to tell me why they moved it to FAQ when I didn't ask a question, on the forum the following was posted by Ebay, "Moved:
Hi everyone. We have read the posts you made about yesterday’s Seller Release and have done our best to answer some of the most common questions. We've posted it as a new thread in the eBay News & Information Board. I will ask the mods if they could ...
I've got a stupid listing violation, and there is no Customer Support available to contact ANYONE!!
Hi, has anybody had a email from Paypal saying they have suspect usage of their account and to login to change password, however when I go to the Paypal page it is totally different, does anyone know if they have changed the layout of the site?Any he...
If I've got this right, my calculations seem to indicate that not only are we restricted from posting anything over 1 Kg in a B1 box, 3 Kg in a B2 box and 5 Kg in a B4 Box from the original 15 Kgs, we now have a bunch of "sneaked in" flat rate price ...
Did auspost lie about the reason for the price rise on postage.the reason they have been giving to everyone is the decline in letters sent, but in an email response about another issue about high costs to send an item, the response i got said the fol...
They're tinkering again and now the PS Board has disappeared - will those Numpty techs ever leave things alone!!!
Pop up is advertising shopping by PricePeep. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
You know when you log onto your home page it has "Suggested Items" for me that I might be interested in, for the past few weeks the items have all been REAL RABBIT FUR VESTS??? I find this totally disgusting and would never buy dead animal skin, I ha...