on 03-04-2012 03:44 PM
You can contact eBay Australia support via email and phone. Now there is one more option: “We will Call You”. For most of the topic you select in Online Customer Support Center, there is a link “We Will Call You”. Instead of calling eBay AU Support Center, eBay AU will call to the phone number you provide. No calling, no extended wait in the Phone Queue.
on 19-06-2013 10:20 PM
Give it "time"
on 19-06-2013 10:27 PM
oi! Don't believe EVERYTHING they write about me on the bathroom wall! That thread about fast and easy isn't about me, ya know!
on 19-06-2013 10:29 PM
You're terrible Crikey ! B-)
I did hear that he was out of this world though....
on 12-07-2013 10:12 AM - last edited on 12-07-2013 02:40 PM by luna-2304
**bleep**ing eBay,I cannot contact them by phone,I have changed my address with eBay,but an item that I have purchase is being sent to the old address,**bleep**ing
on 12-07-2013 04:03 PM
on 12-07-2013 04:13 PM
hay2406, you are not contacting ebay here. We are members just like you and can not help you.
You need to go to the top right hand corner of the page and click on Customer Support..and follow the prompts to contact ebay.
on 24-07-2013 10:54 PM
on 13-08-2013 10:24 PM
@apk4412 wrote:
Hi ebay We had $405 as our highest bid then change it to $450 with 12 seconds to go. It should have gone through easily and we're left wondering why it didn't, as it appeared it had. The screen went blank for a while which make my engineering desiger friend suspect scanners and blockers were used to get in the final and winning bid. He said people also have software to give them the win the win
Have you you heard of these tactics now in use?
Was is 100% certain is that we put the bid in after seen $405 wasn't enough. Where did out bid disappear to?
Pamela Story
Pamela, when a bid is not accepted at the very end of the auction it usually means that it is not at least one increment higher than the current bid....or it was just too late to be accepted.
And yes, there are programs you can use to place a bid at the very end of the auction....it is not a "tactic" but a very much accepted way of bidding when you cannot be near your computer. Google snipe programs as read all about them.
on 08-09-2013 01:05 PM
I listed an item a few minutes ago, for 10 days, and its says 18hrs left???
Please correct.
on 09-09-2013 01:00 PM
hi betterbiddingbetty
It is better for you to start your own thread in the Answer Centre or in the Selling section.
Also, these forums are answered by members such as yourself - you aren't contacting eBay here.
If you would like to contact eBay please click on Customer Support at the top right-hand portion of the page.
Good luck with getting your listing sorted out!