Some postage carriers are facing operational challenges that may impact your eBay deliveries. These situations are out of your control, and we want to ensure you can continue to sell on eBay with confidence. 


In addition to protecting your Seller Performance Standard from being downgraded between March and May 2020, we are putting the following measures in place:


Stock Interruptions and Postage Delays 


  • We will automatically remove your Late Shipment Rate defects, Seller Cancellation defects and related Negative or Neutral feedback received for transactions between 1 March to 31 May 2020.
  • Your Late Shipment rate and Seller Cancellation rate in Seller Performance Standards will be automatically adjusted.  

Item Not Received Claims


Your item not received count (INR) in Service Metrics, along with any related Negative or Neutral feedback will be removed automatically for transactions between 1 March to 31 May 2020. To be eligible for this protection, you must fulfil certain criteria:


  • You must upload valid tracking before the delivery is scanned 
  • On transactions where both seller and buyer are in the same country, the item has to be delivered within 10 days of the Estimated Delivery Date 
  • On international transactions, the item must be delivered within 30 days of the Estimated Delivery Date.

Please allow up to a week for the above protections to take effect. You can keep track of defects, negative feedback, and buyer claims in our new Seller Help tool. 


As always, continue to create great buyer experiences where you can. We’re working with buyers so they know that they can still safely shop on eBay, but their items may take a little longer to reach them. 


Read More About Your Seller Protections >


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