@springyzone wrote:I think the woman understands how ebay auctions work
& is is well aware she could be outbid at the last second, it's one of
the reasons she was up at 1.15am to watch the end of the auction.If
that's a concern for the buyer, then th...
I've read and re-read your post and I still don't understand why you
feel mandatory tracking would be of benefit to buyers. After many
purchases made on eBay and online over the years, I've come to the
conclusion that for buyers, at least, the value ...
Maybe I should have said, "You're placing a maximum bid, not necessarily
your only bid." If one bids $200 on an item that's only reached $25 in
the bidding, the highest bid amount doesn't necessarily go straight to
$200. It depends on what other bidd...
This bidder hasn’t learned that auctions are won by the highest bid, not
the last bid. If in the first place they had bid the most they were
willing to pay, they would have either won the item or lost out to
someone who, in their opinion, overpaid fo...